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Tips for Choosing the Right App Developer For Your Project

Written by Simon Lee | Sep 6, 2023

With customers glued to their phones or tablets throughout the day and mobile devices forming a crucial part of the online retail experience, a mobile app is not just an advantage for retail businesses but is increasingly becoming a requirement.

In step with this demand, mobile app development has become a big sector, with a wide range of independent and established app developers vying for your trade. This gives brands an unprecedented choice in how they create and develop their mobile and web-based applications, but it can also make choosing the appropriate mobile app developer complicated, expensive, and time-consuming.

In this article, we’ll discuss the top factors to consider when selecting the right app developer for your project.

1. Developers With Experience And Good Reviews

The first and foremost thing to consider when selecting an app developer isn’t what they say about themselves on their blog and website but their experience and track record with previous clients, as proved by independent and verified reviews. In other words, look for developers with a successful history of creating high-quality apps for customers with a similar budget to yours in a similar industry. Do your research and read a cross-section of reviews from people who’ve used their services before, checking if the developer has relevant and recent expertise in your industry, as this will give them a better understanding of your apps’ unique features and functionality. Three-star reviews are often extremely insightful about how an agency works in practice, so don’t just shortlist an agency based on solid fives.

2. Find A Developer You Can Trust Throughout The Development Process

The back-and-forth process of developing a luxury mobile app involves a lot of collaboration and communication, so it’s crucial to work with a business that is honest and transparent about how they work, their capabilities, and how they expect the project to progress. Your developer should be able to explain their choices and offer alternatives when needed, not simply greenlight all your decisions unquestioningly. (You’re paying for their expertise, after all.) You should also look for someone who listens to your concerns and is open to making real-time revisions and changes based on feedback.

3. Ability To Align The App With The Needs Of Your Customers

The characteristic distinguishing a luxury bespoke app from a generic one is that it is designed for a specific and usually defined audience, so it’s essential to choose an app developer who understands this market and how your app can align with your customers' needs. A good app developer will take the time in advance to understand your business goals, competitive landscape, user needs, and how your brand ethos and marketing messages address these needs. Ideally, your mobile app company will already have experience creating apps for your target audience and can provide insights based on past experience on the type of app features that resonate best with your users.

4. Does Their Portfolio Match Your Brand Style And Identity?

You’ll find that each independent app designer and agency has a characteristic style that shines through in their work. This is a good thing, but some developers will be a better fit stylistically for your brand than others. Take the time to look at their previous work, check their portfolio carefully to look at past projects and achievements, and then you can decide on the right partner to work alongside for your brand’s app.

Next Steps

Choosing a mobile app development company with the right cocktail of experience, transparency, passion, and communication skills is a core part of making your app development project successful. To find out more, and to see if Glance is a good fit for your project, please click here to speak with one of our experts.

Image Source: Canva