Are Your App Developers Taking Backups Seriously?

2 min read

During the past year, half of all businesses experienced an unexpected interruption in their IT systems. Eighty percent of those resulted in the business losing operations for a day or more. Unfortunately, 90 percent of those businesses put fewer than eight hours into their backup and continuity plans. The majority of these unprepared businesses end up closing their doors.

You don’t want to be one of those statistics! You and your app developers need to discuss plans to regularly back up your critical data before a significant interruption occurs. What causes one of these interruptions? Hardware malfunctions, fires, floods, earthquakes, severe weather (hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms, etc.), and even acts of terror can cause unexpected data loss, data corruption, and a need to restore data and applications. Here is your guide for assuring you are protected.

Back Up Data During Development

What data do you need to back up? Back up anything and everything you cannot afford to lose. Without a backup, your app developers will have to start over with a blank slate.

During the development process, any of these events (as well as some others) can cause data to be lost or corrupted. Without adequate backups and restoration plans, this could mean that you lose all of your development efforts and have to start all over again from scratch. Don’t let this be you! Make sure your developers back up religiously at each stage of development. Not only does this mean daily backups, but conducting partial backups after each significant step of the development, which usually means multiple backups per day.

Back Up Data After Deployment

Once your app is deployed, you will want to collect the data that comes in from your users, from the app, etc. If this data is lost, it could mean that you don’t know about critical bug fixes you need, can’t address customer questions or issues, or can’t track the key metrics the app was designed to collect. The frequency at which you back up this data depends on how often it refreshes or updates. For example, if the data streams in constantly, your backups need to be rather frequent. If data comes in slower, a daily backup might suffice. You should Back up systems however frequently you have to in order to protect the data that is valuable to your business operations.

Assuring Seamless App Operations

Mobile users simply expect their apps to work. Every time. Backup and restoration plans assure that you can make this happen. 

Without a backup, your app developers will have to start over with a blank slate.Click To Tweet

Backups of your key app data and user data assures that you can restore operations quickly if a serious hardware malfunction or other issue knocks out services. Today’s mobile customers are notoriously intolerant of app outages. They expect their apps to work seamlessly all of the time. This means honing your restoration process in addition to establishing a good backup procedure. Practice makes perfect, so go through your restoration plans as many times as it takes to be sure your developers can restore services to normal fully and quickly.

Want to contract with an experienced team of developers who already have these plans in place, and can deliver on schedule? Contact Glance today.

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