Beautiful design comes as standard. As it should.

Consumers have so much choice that even the simplest of design slip-ups can have drastic effects. We ensure your product design is world class just like your users would expect it to be.

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Discover Glance 's Unique Approach to UI/UX Design

Enhancing Mobile App Success Through Expert UI/UX Design

At Glance, we excel in marrying top-tier UI/UX design with deep psychological insights to create apps that are not only visually stunning but also intensely user-focused. Our methodology ensures that every app we develop is optimised for both visual appeal and user functionality, aiming to boost user engagement and satisfaction. By focusing on the psychology behind user interactions, we are able to craft designs that are intuitive and align with user expectations, ensuring a seamless experience across all touchpoints.

Behavioural Insights in UI Design: Employing psychology to understand user needs and tailor the interface accordingly.
Advanced UX Strategies: Creating engaging experiences that keep users returning, increasing both satisfaction and retention.
Customised Design Solutions: Each project is tailored to client specifications and user demographics, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.
UI Design Services
How We Do It

Our Creative Process

Our app UX/UI services are designed to take the data from our research phase (or provided to us) and structure the product so that it just makes sense to people. This gives a much higher 'stickiness' to your product, a key aspect of a successful product.

3-5 days

User Personas

We build the a range of personas for your project to ensure we derive value across a large proportion of your user base.

User Avatars
3-5 days
2-4 days

User Experience Maps

We take key customer  journeys and look at what your users are thinking, feeling and doing, giving us key insight on their behaviour and motives.

User Experience Maps
2-4 days
3-5 days


These high-level workflows map out the main touchpoint within your product to ensure the flow is as frictionless and simple as possible.

3-5 days
5+ days


We flesh out the workflows with all of the elements required to achieve the products objectives in  a clear, intuitive and concise layout for users.

5+ days
3-5 days


Seeing designs on screen and holding them in your hands are very different things. Prototyping allows you to experience your product at an early stage.

3-5 days
3-5 days


Understanding what type of personality the app will portray and the language we use to connect with users. Creating a logo or motto are only the tip of the iceberg.

3-5 days
3+ days

Art Direction

We use the personality to guide the art style which underpins the entire product. Different personalties lean towards different styles, transitions and more.

Art Direction
3+ days
2-4 days

Design Concepts

We combine all of the previous work and produce a number of high fidelity concepts to test different directions and styles before committing to a final approach.

Design Concepts
2-4 days
2+ weeks

UI Design

Once we have decided on a visual concept which matches the key demographic, we move forward and apply this style and language to the entirety of the product.

UI Design
2+ weeks

Asking users to adopt new behaviours is very, very hard.

It used to be the case that having a beautiful design was all that was needed for an app to be successful – but as the app stores have grown in size, so has your customers range of options when it comes to your product or service. These days, when faced with similar products from similar companies at similar prices, we as consumers, look for more meaningful products and businesses to work with. The products that provide more meaning, in the most seamless way, are those products that excel.

Relying on beautiful design without substance is long gone. Your app needs to pair beautiful design with a well thought out user experience, giving people not just a new choice but a better, more thoughtful one. This is where working with a premier high-tech mobile app development service makes a difference. Your idea combined with our execution is what makes the difference between a good app and a great one.

Why We're Unique

Why Glance Excels in Mobile App UI/UX Design

Glance's commitment to integrating psychological expertise in app design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the apps but significantly boosts usability and user satisfaction. Our team is proficient in the latest design tools and technologies, enabling us to deliver sleek, modern designs that are optimised for performance and engagement. By focusing on both UI and UX, we ensure that our apps are not only visually captivating but also highly functional and user-friendly.

Psychological Expertise

Leveraging cognitive and behavioural psychology to enhance user interface design.

Strategic UX Mapping

Aligning business goals with user needs for a cohesive app strategy.

Design Excellence

Commitment to the highest standards of aesthetics and functionality, recognized by industry leaders.

Continuous Improvement

Leveraging the latest design trends and technologies to keep the apps fresh and engaging.

App Design Process
How We Can Help You

Glance's UI/UX Design Process

User Research and Personas:

We start by understanding who the users are, utilising surveys and behavioural analysis to craft accurate user personas.

Empathy Mapping and User Journey:

Developing a comprehensive map of user emotions, actions, and pain points to inform our design decisions.

Prototyping and User Testing:

Early and continuous testing with prototypes to refine interfaces and enhance user interactions.

Iterative Design and Feedback:

Utilising feedback loops to make continuous improvements, ensuring the app evolves with user needs and market trends.

Our Previous Work

Great ideas, brilliantly executed.

The apps we build for our clients have had more top 10 hits, organic magazine features, organic press coverage, industry recognition and awards than most of our competitors combined.

Case Study


This concept piece was produced for BAFTA in order to create a more engaging and useful experience for both reviewers of the awards and also for more general consumers to gain an insight into the very best of film and television. The product was a research and development concept.

Case Study

No Catfish

With so many fake profiles online, the dating market was crying out for a safer, more trustworthy app, hence NoCatfish. We built this app along traditional dating lines but with some key technology that verifies people, ensuring that their photos are really them, no bots, no fake profiles.

Case Study


We worked on this product due to our experience in financial trading apps. BuaBook took the same principles of commodity trading and brought it to the sports arena, allowing you to buy and sell ‘stock’ in players and teams. The better they perform, the better your stock performs.

See More Case Studies
What People Say About Us

Our Amazing Client Reviews

We love what we do and we love it, even more, when our clients do too. We’ve worked on some amazing projects with some amazing people and are highly rated on Clutch, our industries highest rated review site.

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How much does it cost to build an App?

If you’re considering building an app, you probably want to get an idea of how much it will cost, and with so many options, it can be a bit difficult to know where to start.

To help, we've put together a simple tool to help you estimate a suitable budget depending on what you want to do and the results you want to get.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between UI and UX Design?

UI (User Interface) design focuses on the visual elements of an app, such as the layout, colours, and typography. UX (User Experience) design, however, aims to optimise the overall experience of the user by making an app easy to use, efficient, and enjoyable. At Glance , we integrate both to create apps that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional.

How does Glance integrate psychology into app design?

We apply psychological principles to understand user behaviour and motivations. This includes using empathy maps to better understand user needs and designing with an awareness of how colour, shape, and layout affect user feelings and actions. This approach helps in crafting more engaging and intuitive user experiences.

What are the key phases in Glance’s app design process?

Our design process includes several key phases:

  • Discovery and Research: Gathering insights about the target users and market.
  • Design and Prototyping: Creating visual designs and interactive prototypes.
  • Testing and Iteration: Conducting user tests to gather feedback and making necessary adjustments.
  • Launch and Evaluation: Deploying the app and continuously monitoring its performance to make improvements.
How long does it typically take to design an app at Glance?

The timeline can vary based on the complexity of the app and client requirements. Typically, the process from initial research to final design delivery can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. We ensure each step is carefully planned and executed to meet deadlines without compromising quality.

Can Glance handle both iOS and Android app design?

Yes, our team is skilled in designing for both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring that the app provides a seamless user experience on any device while adhering to the specific guidelines and standards of each platform.

What makes Glance different from other app design agencies?

Unlike other agencies, we focus on the psychological aspects of user behaviour which allows us to design apps that not only meet users' expectations but also engage them on a deeper level. This approach leads to higher user retention and satisfaction.

How do you ensure the app design is aligned with our business goals?

We start by understanding your business objectives and then align our design strategies to meet those goals. Our collaborative process involves regular check-ins with stakeholders to ensure that the design evolves in line with the business’s evolving needs and goals.

Does Glance offer post-launch design support?

The cost of app development varies depending on the complexity of the app, selected features, and development time. We offer a free strategy call to discuss your needs and provide a detailed estimate based on your specific requirements.

How can I get started with Glance for my app design project?

You can start by requesting a free strategy call where we discuss your project needs, expectations, and how our design solutions can be tailored to achieve your objectives. Just visit our website and fill out the contact form or call us directly to schedule your consultation.

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