Hospitality App Development You Can Rely On For Hotel Management - And More.

As a top London hospitality app development team, we know that the hospitality industry is competitive. Brands stay relevant and attract guests to their properties by consistently engaging their customers in both the real world and the digital realm. Make sure you’re reaching the right audiencewith the best mobile apps for the hospitality industry.

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This is the key reason Hotel Management apps have become increasingly popular in recent years.

Stay competitive by coordinating with expert hospitality app developers to create the best hospitality app for your needs. At Glance, we service clients throughout the UK. At our offices, you’ll find experienced professionals qualified to build numerous types of apps for the hospitality industry.

Do you need a web-based hotel management software? An app to reward your customers and engage with them on a regular basis? We can create all that and more, bringing your brand into the digital age with the best hospitality apps for your needs.

A Reliable Process for Hospitality App Development

Here at Glance, we’ve been fortunate enough to work with a range of major brands. We consistently develop products that meet (and exceed) our clients’ expectations.

Our process is key to our success when creating apps for the hospitality industry, retail industry, and more. We start by discussing your goals extensively. We want to know exactly what you plan to achieve with your hotel management mobile app. 

The best hospitality apps are of course unique. That’s why, after discussing your plans, we select team members based on their specific skills and experience. This is key to ensuring everyone working on your hospitality app is right for their role. We also assign a Project Manager to every hospitality and hotel management app we develop. If you ever have questions, or want to check on our progress, you can reach out to them directly for a prompt response.

What We Do At Glance

Leading Hospitality & Travel App Development Solutions by Glance

Revolutionising Hospitality Through Innovative Mobile App Solutions

Glance is at the forefront of hospitality app development, leveraging psychological insights to create mobile solutions that elevate user engagement and retention. Our expertise in integrating user behaviour principles into app design ensures that your hospitality app not only meets technological standards but also resonates deeply with users, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty. Serving clients across the UK, Glance Group stands as a premier choice for businesses aiming to enhance their digital presence and customer interaction.

Comprehensive Hospitality App Development Services

Our team specialises in delivering customised hospitality app solutions that cater to the unique needs of your business. Whether you require a web-based hotel management software or an app designed to reward and engage customers, we possess the skills and experience to bring your vision to life. Our process begins with an extensive consultation to understand your goals, followed by assembling a team of experts tailored to your project's needs.
Web-based hotel management software development
Customer rewards and engagement apps
Tailored app solutions to enhance digital presence
How We Can Help You

A Proven Process for Hospitality App Success

At Glance, our success in hospitality app development is driven by a meticulous process. We initiate each project with a thorough discussion of your objectives, ensuring we capture the essence of your requirements. Our team members are selected based on their relevant skills and experience, guaranteeing that each aspect of your app is handled by experts. A dedicated Project Manager oversees the development process, providing you with regular updates and addressing any queries promptly.
Goal-oriented project discussions
Expertise-based team selection
Dedicated Project Manager for seamless communication

Enhancing Customer Experience with Advanced App Features

Our hospitality apps are designed to serve multiple purposes, enhancing both operational efficiency and customer experience. From coordinating with employees and monitoring bookings to sharing guest information and managing amenities, our apps provide comprehensive solutions that streamline operations and delight users. Whether it's simplifying room booking processes or offering easy access to dining services, our apps make every interaction seamless and enjoyable for your customers.

Employee coordination and booking management
Guest information sharing
Rewards program integration
Easy access to amenities and services

The Value of Hospitality App Development

The best web and mobile apps for the hospitality industry often serve different purposes. Apps are versatile tools that can help in a variety of ways, most commonly in ways you never knew you needed.

For instance, a mobile hotel management app or web-based hotel management software could help you coordinate with employees, monitor bookings, share guest information with relevant team members, and much more. Those are behind-the-scenes functions. They don’t represent everything a hospitality app can do.

If you’re interested in strengthening customer loyalty and engagement, an app could support your rewards program. You can make the process of booking a room at one of your properties much easier, for example.

The right hotel management mobile app can even help users take advantage of key amenities and services available at your properties, such as dining services. This added convenience will make you very popular with your customer base.

What to Look for in App Developers for the Hospitality Industry

Your time and money are valuable. You can’t invest in hospitality app development services if you’re not completely certain that the finished product will meet your needs and standards. Fortunately, that’s not something you need to worry about when you work with Glance.

Our experience and reputation will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing the team that is building your hospitality app has the skills and qualifications necessary to deliver ideal results.

Let the World Know About Your Hotel Management Mobile App

Even the best mobile apps for the hospitality industry won’t be a success with users if they don’t know it exists. You need a marketing team to help you spread the word. It’s of course much easier to coordinate effectively with marketing experts if they understand the nature of your hospitality app and the value it offers to users.

This is another reason to work with Glance. We help develop marketing campaigns in-house, ensuring the team spreading the word about your app appreciates its strengths and understands its features.

A Portfolio of Excellence Proves We’re the Right Fit for Your Hospitality App Needs

All hospitality app development teams want to take on your project. That’s how they stay in business. You also know that means they’ll say anything to work on your project. Can you really trust them to deliver on their promises?

That’s not a question you need to ask if you can see proof that a development team truly possesses the skills and qualifications they promote. That’s why we encourage you to review our portfolio. Our apps have also attracted thousands (and in some cases, millions!) of users.

You’ll find we’ve worked with some of the most well-known brands across a range of industries, attracting such clients as Canon, The Times, and many more.

That’s the manner of reliability and consistent quality you need in a development team that’s creating an app for the hospitality industry.

What People Say About Us

Our Amazing Client Reviews

We love what we do and we love it, even more, when our clients do too. We’ve worked on some amazing projects with some amazing people and are highly rated on Clutch, our industries highest rated review site.

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How much does it cost to build an App?

If you’re considering building an app, you probably want to get an idea of how much it will cost, and with so many options, it can be a bit difficult to know where to start.

To help, we've put together a simple tool to help you estimate a suitable budget depending on what you want to do and the results you want to get.

Launch our FREE app pricing tool

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Glance hospitality app development unique?

Glance Group Ltd integrates psychological insights into app design, ensuring that our hospitality apps are not only technologically advanced but also deeply resonate with users. This approach enhances user engagement and retention, making our apps highly effective in the competitive hospitality industry.

What types of hospitality apps can Glance develop?

We specialise in a variety of hospitality apps, including web-based hotel management software, customer rewards and engagement apps, and tailored solutions designed to enhance your brand's digital presence. Our services are customised to meet the specific needs of your business.

How does Glance ensure the success of a hospitality app project?

Our process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your goals. We then assemble a team of experts tailored to your project's needs and assign a dedicated Project Manager to oversee the development. This ensures that each aspect of your app is handled by specialists and that you receive regular updates throughout the project.

What features can be included in a hospitality app developed by Glance?

Our hospitality apps can include features such as employee coordination, booking management, guest information sharing, rewards program integration, and easy access to amenities and services. We design each app to enhance both operational efficiency and customer experience.

How long does it take to develop a hospitality app with Glance?

The development timeline for a hospitality app depends on the scope and complexity of the project. On average, it may take between three to six months. During the initial consultation, we will provide a more accurate timeline based on your specific requirements.

What is the cost of developing a hospitality app with Glance?

The cost of developing a hospitality app varies depending on the features and complexity of the app. Typically, prices start around £30,000, with more comprehensive solutions costing upwards of £100,000. We offer a detailed quote after discussing your project in detail.

Can Glance develop apps for both iOS and Android platforms?

Yes, we develop apps for both iOS and Android platforms. Our team of experienced developers ensures that your app performs seamlessly across different devices and operating systems, providing a consistent user experience.

How does Glance support clients after the app is launched?

We offer comprehensive post-launch support, including maintenance, updates, and user feedback analysis. Our goal is to ensure your app continues to perform optimally and meets the evolving needs of your users.

Can Glance integrate third-party services into the hospitality app?

Yes, we can integrate a variety of third-party services such as payment gateways, CRM systems, and geolocation services. These integrations enhance the functionality of your app and provide a seamless experience for your users.

Ready to talk?

Partner with Glance for Unmatched Hospitality App Development

Choosing Glance means partnering with a company that understands the nuances of the hospitality industry and prioritises user-centred design. Our track record of delivering top-performing apps and our commitment to leveraging psychological insights make us the ideal choice for businesses looking to innovate and excel in the digital age. Join us to transform your hospitality services and achieve higher engagement, retention, and return on investment.
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