How the New iOS Updates Will Change How We Use Smartphones

3 min read

It’s that time of year again…

Labor Day has passed. Summer is beginning to fade into autumn. The school year is starting. And football has graced us with its presence once again.

Oh, and of course, Apple is rolling out its major annual updates that make the world stop for a moment. While a lot of focus was on the hardware of the iPhone (new generation of the iPhone; no more headphone jack, ugh!), it’s the overhaul of the iOS operating system, which will be released this week, that will revolutionise, yet again, how we interact with our mobile devices.

As with most advancements that Apple makes, one can expect the Android and Microsoft operating systems to follow suit since the Cupertino-based giant is generally the vanguard for large steps forward in mobile. Let’s take a look at just what the new updates have in store.


Messaging is being completely overhauled. It will be a more seamless experience that enhances established features to make it easier and more enjoyable to navigate.

Rich Links

Rich links will be hyperlinks within the text messaging app that give a high-resolution visual preview of the link along with a preview for videos shared as a message.

Predictive Emojis

Emojis have become a massive part of the messaging and digital experience. They are an everyday part of how we communicate our expressions and feelings through lighthearted visual characters.

Well, now, the messaging platform will predict an appropriate emoji for what you are trying to say. Just like when you are midway through typing a word and it attempts to guess that word, it will offer an emoji as an option instead of plain text. 

Apple is rolling out its major annual updates that make the world stop for a moment.Click To Tweet

Even after you’ve finished typing out your message, selected words will be highlighted as ones that an emoji can replace.

Animated Effects

Two new animation-esque effects are being added to allow users to add emphasis and context to what they are saying. Bubble effects will have the text bubble expand and shrink when a message is sent to emphasise the prowess of what’s being communicated. Additionally, there will be a hidden effect where a message or photo will initially be blurred out before magically appearing.

This allows users to limit confusion on the context of what’s being said while adding personality to the texting experience.


Apple Maps will receive big improvements to help it compete with Google Maps.

Third-Party Capabilities

The Maps app will be opened up to third-party app developers, potentially allowing for multi-functionality and an enhanced user experience such as ordering an Uber without having to go to the Uber app.

Enhanced Search

You’ll now be able to search for different types of location to search out on the trip to your destination. So, you’ll be able to search and be directed to gas stations and food vendors on that road trip you can’t wait to embark on.

You can even filter those searches, which will let you look for a certain type of restaurant, for example.

Dynamic View

The new Dynamic View feature will give you a different view of the map based on the landscape you are driving in. The app will zoom out for rural landscapes but will zoom in for city driving


Siri will even get its own upgrades to be a better virtual assistant.

Enhanced Third-Party Communication

Siri will be able to perform idiosyncratic features in different apps and can even send messages through those apps. It will even be able to order rides through Uber and Lyft without having to switch to them.

Messaging Interaction

Your messaging experience will be enhanced even further with the help of Siri! It will work in the background to pull out conversational contexts to respond better to your contacts.

Along with the new version of the iPhone, these software updates will provide a much improved experience to the leading mobile phone and operating system. These updates look to make its usage more automated and seamless for interaction between multiple applications and uses, exponentially increasing the functionality of the iOS platform.

iPhone by Gonzalo Baeza is licensed under Attribution License

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