Expert Guide Series

How Big Is the Market for My Mobile App Idea?



We’ve all had that spark of genius—a mobile app idea that we just know has the potential to take the world by storm. But, before you rush into creating what you believe will be the next big thing, there’s a fundamental question you need to answer: How big is the market for your app? As business owners, we understand the stakes are high. You’re about to pour time, energy, and resources into this endeavour, so making an informed decision is crucial. At Glance, we’ve helped countless businesses navigate these waters, and we’re here to share some practical insights to help make the journey smoother for you. 

Data is like treasure. Dig deep to find the jewels that can lead to app success.

In the following sections, we’ll guide you through identifying your target audience, estimating demand, conducting market research, analysing competitors, and using app store data. By the end of this article, you'll have a clearer understanding of whether your app idea truly has the potential to captivate users and generate revenue. Let’s get started!

Identifying Your Target Audience

Who Will Use Your App?


Understanding who will use your app is the bedrock of your app's success. But let’s face it, identifying your target audience isn't just a step in the process—it's an adventure (minus the treasure map and pirates)! It's about getting into the minds of your potential users and figuring out what they really want. This involves looking at various aspects such as demographics, behaviours, interests, and even pain points. Let's break it down, shall we? 

Demographics: These are the basic stats like age, gender, location, and occupation. Are you targeting teenagers who can't live without their phones or busy professionals who need quick solutions? Knowing this helps in tailoring your app features and marketing strategies. 

Behaviours: How does your audience behave online? Are they scrolling through social media at 3 AM or do they prefer informative blog posts over funny cat videos? Understanding online behaviour can inform you about the best channels and times to market your app. 

Interests and Hobbies: Similar to behaviours but slightly more specific. Do they love fitness, fashion, or perhaps farming? Knowing what they are passionate about helps in creating an app that resonates with them. 

Pain Points: What problems are they facing that your app could solve? People download apps because they want an easier way to do something. Whether it’s saving time, managing tasks, or simply having fun, identify their needs and centre your app around satisfying them. 

Once you assemble this information, you'll have a clearer picture of who your audience is. They're not just faceless users; they become real people with specific wants and needs. And guess what? Your app is the hero they've been waiting for!

Remember, the goal is to create an app people want to use, and knowing your audience inside and out is how you make that happen. So go ahead, do your homework, and get ready to meet your soon-to-be fans!

Estimating Demand

Tools and Methods to Gauge Interest

Right, so you've got a cracking idea for a mobile app, but how do you know if people will actually want to use it? Estimating demand may sound like some sorcery, but there are practical tools and methods to help you. Let's dive in, shall we? 

Google Trends: This is a great starting point to see what’s buzzing. Type in keywords related to your app idea and see how interest has shifted over time. You'd be surprised how much you can learn from a graph! 

Keyword Research:  Tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs can help you see how many people are searching for terms related to your app idea. If thousands of people are searching for what your app offers, you’re likely on to a winner. 

Social Media Listening:  Platforms like Hootsuite or Brandwatch enable you to monitor conversations on social media. If your app idea is being talked about – whether it’s a problem it solves or a feature it boasts – you’ll get a sense of its potential popularity. 

Pre-launch Landing Pages:  Create a simple webpage describing your app and use it to collect emails from interested users. You can promote this page through social media or Google Ads. If people are signing up, you’ve got proof there’s interest. 

Crowdfunding Campaigns:  Sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo allow you to pitch your app idea and raise funds. Not only can you secure initial funding, but you’ll also get a clear view of how many people are willing to invest in your idea. 

Granted, all these tools give you data, but interpreting this data is where the magic happens. If, after exploring these methods, you see consistent interest and engagement, it's a good sign that your app idea has legs. Don't be put off by a single source. Cross-reference your findings to paint a clearer picture of demand. 

Ultimately, estimating demand isn't about having a crystal ball. It's about gathering enough clues to make an informed decision. And hey, if you need a hand making sense of all this data, we're here to help. At Glance, we've got the expertise to turn these insights into actionable strategies. Let’s talk if you’d like a bit more support.

How to Gather Data

Market Research Techniques


Alright! Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how you can gather data to assess the market for your mobile app idea. As a business owner, you probably understand the importance of making data-informed decisions. Well, that's what we're here for! 

First off, primary research is your best friend. This involves directly collecting data from potential users or existing competitors. Here are some ways to do it: 

  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Creating simple surveys can give you invaluable insights. Platforms like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms are excellent for this. Ask questions that tell you about user preferences, needs, and pain points.
  • Interviews and Focus Groups: Sometimes, talking to people face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) can unearth details that a survey might miss. Consider holding a focus group with a mix of potential users to see their reactions to your app idea.
  • Competitor Analysis: This involves studying your competitors. Check out their reviews, user feedback, and feature sets. You can learn a lot from what they’re doing right and where they’re falling short.

On to secondary research, which uses data that already exists. This can save you time and effort: 

  • Industry Reports and Market Studies: Many organisations publish detailed reports about market trends and consumer behaviour. Websites like Statista or IBISWorld are gold mines for such information.
  • Social Media Listening: Keep an ear out on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. What are people saying about similar apps? Tools like Hootsuite and Brandwatch can help you gather this data efficiently.
  • App Store Insights: Don’t forget to look at the Google Play and Apple Store charts. These rankings can offer a snapshot of what’s currently hot and trending.

Remember, the more data you collect, the clearer the picture becomes. It's like putting together a puzzle; each piece brings you closer to understanding the big picture of your market potential. 

At Glance, we believe in making informed decisions and we’re here to guide you through this process. Stick with us, and you'll walk away with a clear understanding of your market landscape and how your app can thrive in it.

What Can Their Success Teach You?

Analysing Competitors

First things first, let's get one thing straight: peeking over at your neighbour's homework isn’t cheating here. In fact, learning from your competitors can be the golden ticket to your app’s success. Think of it as a friendly race where you get to see what makes others quicker, smarter, or perhaps just better at navigating hurdles. 

So, where do you start? Begin by identifying who your competitors are. And no, we don’t mean just the big sharks. Even the small fry can teach you a lot. Once you've got a list, delve into their business structure. How have they set themselves up? What’s their revenue model? Is it ad-based, subscription, freemium? 

Next, evaluate their value proposition. What promise are they making to users, and how well are they delivering on it? This information can help you shape or refine your own value proposition, ensuring it resonates more with your target audience. 

Marketing efforts are another goldmine of insights. Track their online presence: their social media engagements, advertising outputs, and content marketing initiatives. Are they consistently posting? What kind of content gets the most likes or shares? Such patterns can guide your marketing strategies, saving you the trial-and-error hassle. 

But don’t just stick to online. Explore their app features – what are the must-haves versus nice-to-haves according to their users? Read user reviews. They can be brutally honest but incredibly insightful. Users might point out pain points that you can avoid or features that they absolutely adore, which you can consider implementing uniquely into your app. 

And let’s not forget SEO performance. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can help you analyse their keywords, backlinks, and overall SEO strategy. If they rank well for certain search terms, it's worth figuring out why and how you could improve on your own organic search visibility. 

Lastly, keep an eye on the traffic sources and growth trends. Are they gaining their users through organic search, paid ads, or perhaps a strong social media presence? Understanding this can help you allocate your marketing budget more wisely. 

By thoroughly understanding what makes your competitors tick, you can sidestep their mistakes and amplify their successes. It’s not about being a copycat, but rather about evolving and standing on the shoulders of giants to reach new heights. And remember, the insights you gather here are priceless for creating an app that truly stands out in the crowded market.

Using App Store Data

Insights from Google Play and Apple Store


App stores are treasure troves of data that can reveal a lot about the potential of your mobile app idea. Both Google Play and the Apple Store offer a plethora of information that can guide your market research. So, what are the key indicators to look for? 

1. Download Numbers: The number of downloads gives you a sense of how popular similar apps are. If apps in your category have high download numbers, that's a positive sign. For example, if you’re developing a fitness app and notice that top fitness apps have millions of downloads, it shows strong interest in this category. 

2. User Reviews and Ratings: Feedback is gold. Reviews not only tell you what users love but also what frustrates them. This insight can help you refine your app to meet user needs better and avoid common pitfalls. 

3. Top Charts: Browsing the top charts in your app’s category can give you a quick overview of the most popular apps. This can highlight trends and features that are currently in demand. Basically, if a specific type of app dominates the charts, it’s worth considering how your app can stand out or join the ranks. 

4. App Description and Updates: Pay attention to how successful apps describe their features and updates. This can guide your own app's description and update strategy. Notice how frequently they roll out updates; frequent updates often mean ongoing user engagement and app improvement. 

5. Revenue Estimates: Some tools and reports can provide revenue estimates for top-performing apps. Understanding the potential revenue can help you gauge the financial viability of your app idea. 

At Glance, we dive deep into this data to provide actionable insights tailored to your unique mobile app idea. By carefully analysing competitors and market leaders, we help you position your app for maximum impact. After all, in the crowded app market, knowledge truly is power.

Summing Up


When it comes down to it, understanding the size of the market for your mobile app idea is not just a nice-to-have; it's a necessity. By analysing your target audience, estimating demand, and leveraging various research techniques, you’re setting yourself up for a greater chance of success. The world of apps is competitive, but with informed decisions backed by solid data, you’re already ahead of the game. 

Remember, we're here to help. At Glance, we understand the challenges you face as a business owner. The excitement, the jitters, the sleepless nights spent thinking, "Will this actually work?" We've seen it all and can guide you through transforming your app idea into a market hit. 

So, roll up your sleeves, dive into the data, and get to work. Use surveys, analyse competitors, and keep a close eye on app store trends. Think of this as your toolkit for app success. And, who knows? Your idea just might be the next big thing. Good luck, and don't forget – we’re rooting for you!

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