Expert Guide Series

How Can I Get Funding For My Mobile App Idea?



Have you ever had a groundbreaking idea for a mobile app but didn't know where to start with funding? You're not alone. Whether you're an aspiring developer or an entrepreneur looking to capitalise on the next big thing, finding the right funding can be a pivotal step in turning your vision into reality. 

In this article, we'll explore various funding avenues, including angel investment, venture capitalists, and crowdfunding. We'll also delve into government schemes like EIS and SEIS, designed to make your proposition more attractive to potential investors. 

“Funding is not just about the money; it's about the right kind of support and mentorship.”

By the end of this read, you'll be equipped with the knowledge needed to navigate the funding landscape for your mobile app idea successfully.

Where To Start

Exploring Your Funding Options for Mobile App Development

Embarking on the journey to develop a mobile app often brings you face to face with a pivotal question: how to secure the necessary funding. The good news is that a plethora of funding options exists, each catering to different stages of your app development process and varying investor interests. 

Whether you're just sketching your app idea on a napkin or are ready to launch your prototype, understanding the diverse funding avenues available will position you for success. From angel investors who take a chance on early-stage ideas, to venture capitalists with deep pockets for scaling ventures, and the democratic power of crowdfunding platforms, you have multiple pathways to explore. 

Moreover, for developers based in the UK, the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) offer unique benefits that can make your proposal even more appealing to potential investors by providing tax reliefs. It’s crucial to evaluate each funding option not only for the financial influx it brings but also for how it impacts your startup's ownership and overall strategy. 

Before diving into the specifics, ask yourself: what stage is my project at? Who is my target audience amongst investors? And how much control am I willing to give up? Answering these questions will guide you towards the most appropriate funding mix for your mobile app.

The First Step

Understanding Angel Investors

Angel investors are private individuals who provide the crucial early-stage funding needed by startups, especially those with high growth potential, like mobile apps. This funding typically comes in exchange for equity or convertible debt, giving the investor a share of ownership in your company. 

One key factor that sets angel investors apart from other funding sources is their willingness to take on higher risk for the potential of a high return on investment. They are often successful entrepreneurs themselves, or seasoned professionals who offer not just financial backing but also invaluable mentorship and networking opportunities. 

Building a strong relationship with your angel investor can be a game-changer. These investors often bet more on people than on products, so your connection with them and your team's chemistry are crucial elements. Platforms like AngelList, Life Science Angels, and Tech Coast Angels can help you find suitable angel investors who align with your vision and values. 

  • Angel investors provide early-stage funding in exchange for equity.
  • Connections within angel investor networks can be invaluable for deal flow and shared resources.
  • Angel investors typically seek a fast return on their investment.
  • Partnerships with research institutions can enhance your proposal's credibility.
  • Angel investors often bring industry expertise and valuable connections that can lead to further opportunities.

When approaching an angel investor, it's also essential to present a solid business plan that outlines a clear path for commercialization. You should be prepared to answer questions about your market potential, growth strategy, and how you plan to use their investment to achieve your business milestones. Remember, some angel investors might prefer to invest incrementally. They may start with a smaller initial investment and then provide additional funds as your startup reaches specific goals. Therefore, having a phased plan showing measurable progress can be quite convincing. 

In essence, securing funding from an angel investor often involves more than just financial support; it's about finding a partner who believes in your mobile app's potential and is excited to help you navigate the journey from idea to market.

Angel Investors

How to Pitch Your Mobile App Idea

Paving the way for a successful pitch to angel investors requires meticulous preparation and a compelling narrative. Begin by crafting a clear and concise elevator pitch. This should encapsulate the essence of your mobile app – what problem it solves, its unique value proposition, and who your target audience is. Remember, first impressions count, and an engaging elevator pitch can make a lasting impact. 

Next, ensure that you have a well-researched business plan. This document should detail your app's market potential, competitive landscape, and monetisation strategy. Angel investors want to see that you’ve done your homework and are aware of both opportunities and challenges within your niche. Highlighting your go-to-market strategy can further demonstrate your readiness to launch and scale. 

Financial projections are crucial. Providing a financial model with revenue forecasts, expense estimates, and break-even analysis can help angel investors gauge the financial viability of your app. Be prepared to discuss how much funding you need and exactly how it will be used – clarity and transparency here will reassure potential investors of your diligence and foresight. Don't forget the power of the story. Investors often bet on teams as much as ideas. Share your journey – how did you come to develop this app idea? What expertise do you and your team bring to the table? Personal stories and a passionate founding team can create an emotional connection, making investors more inclined to back your project. 

Lastly, be ready for questions. Angel investors will probe your presentations, looking for weaknesses or inconsistencies. Practice answering potential tough questions about market size, competition, and your backup plans. Demonstrating confidence and thorough understanding in these discussions can instil further confidence in your potential to succeed. By focusing on these elements, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a pitch that not only attracts but convinces angel investors of the promise your mobile app holds.

Going Big

Venture Capitalists

Venture capitalists (VCs) are financial investors who provide the necessary capital to high-potential startups. Their focus is typically on businesses at the growth stage, meaning your mobile app idea should have a clear pathway to substantial scalability and revenue. These investors usually demand significant equity in return for their investment, expecting substantial returns should your app succeed. 

What sets VCs apart from other funding sources is the sheer volume of funds they can inject into your project. This makes them ideal for ambitious app developers aiming for rapid market penetration and expansion. Additionally, VCs often offer more than just money. They bring valuable mentoring, industry connections, and a wealth of experience to help navigate the complex startup ecosystem. 

  • Venture capital (VC) firms typically invest in startups with high growth potential.
  • VC funding usually involves exchanging capital for equity in the company.
  • VC funds can significantly accelerate the development and scaling of your mobile app.
  • Having VC backing can enhance your startup's credibility and attract additional investors.
  • VCs often provide strategic guidance and business development support.
  • Connections provided by VCs can lead to partnerships and further investment opportunities.

Given the high stakes involved, venture capitalists perform rigorous due diligence before committing their funds. This involves detailed scrutiny of your business plan, market analysis, and financial projections. Be prepared to demonstrate how your app stands out in the competitive tech landscape and can generate significant returns within a defined timeframe. 

Once you’ve secured venture capital, you might progress through different funding rounds—Series A, Series B, and beyond. Series A funding generally focuses on scaling your product, improving the user base, and optimizing the monetization model. As your company grows, Series B and C rounds may come into play, facilitating market expansion, new product development, or even acquisitions. 

Tip: Building a robust and experienced team can significantly increase your chances of attracting venture capital. VCs invest in people as much as they invest in ideas. Having founders and leaders with a track record of success will give investors more confidence in your proposition.In summary, venture capitalists offer a powerful avenue to fund your mobile app, but the process is highly competitive and demanding. Preparation, clear strategic goals, and a solid pitch are paramount to capturing their attention and securing their investment.

Venture Capitalists

Crafting a Winning Proposal

Creating a winning proposal for venture capitalists is a crucial part of securing funding for your mobile app. Venture capitalists (VCs) are looking for opportunities that promise significant returns on their investments. Here's how you can craft a proposal that stands out: 

1. Start with a Concise Executive Summary: Your executive summary should introduce your mobile app, explain the problem it solves, and highlight its unique selling points. It's your first impression, so make it count. 

2. Clearly Define the Problem and Solution: VCs need to know that your app addresses a real and pressing problem. Clearly describe the problem and present your app as the solution, proving its necessity in the market. 

3. Showcase Market Research: Demonstrate that you've done your homework by including data on your target market, potential user base, and industry trends. Highlight any gaps your app fills and the competitive edge it offers. 

4. Detailed Revenue Model: Explain how your app will generate revenue. Whether it's through in-app purchases, subscriptions, advertisements, or a freemium model, VCs need to understand how they will get a return on their investment. 

5. Traction and Milestones: Provide evidence of traction, such as user acquisition numbers, partnerships, and pilot results. Outline clear milestones you aim to achieve and the timeline to reach these goals. 

6. Experienced Team: Highlight the expertise of your team. VCs invest in people as much as they do in ideas, so showcase the skills and experience your team brings to the table. 

7. Financial Projections: Include detailed financial forecasts for the next 3-5 years, demonstrating potential growth and profitability. Make sure your projections are realistic and backed by solid data. 

8. Funding Requirements and Use of Proceeds: Clearly state the amount of funding you seek and how you plan to use it. Break down the costs associated with app development, marketing, staffing, and other essential areas. 

9. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan: Acknowledge potential risks and present strategies to mitigate them. Showing you've considered various scenarios and have plans in place can instil confidence in VCs. 

10. Exit Strategy: Venture capitalists want to know how they will eventually realise their investments. Outline potential exit strategies, such as acquisitions, IPOs, or mergers, and provide a timeline for reaching those milestones. 

Remember, your proposal should not only provide comprehensive information but also tell a compelling story. Keep it engaging and authentic to make a lasting impression on potential investors.

Power to the People

Leveraging Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has revolutionised the way startups receive funding, and it has opened financing doors for ideas that might not fit the typical investment model. By appealing directly to the public, would-be app creators have the opportunity to raise funds from a large number of people who believe in their vision. Platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo are popular options for launching a crowdfunding campaign and attracting backers from all over the world. 

However, succeeding in crowdfunding requires more than just having a great idea. You need to generate substantial buzz to stand out in a crowded marketplace. This involves meticulous planning, building a strong social media presence, and creating a compelling pitch that resonates with potential backers. Engaging visuals, a persuasive video, and clear, achievable goals can significantly enhance your campaign's appeal. 

It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen.
- Scott Belsky

It's also essential to offer enticing rewards or incentives that encourage people to support your campaign. These rewards can range from exclusive early access to your app, personalised thank-you messages, or even limited-edition merchandise. The key is to create value for your backers and make them feel like they are part of your journey. 

Another advantage of crowdfunding is that it allows you to validate your idea before fully committing to its development. If your campaign garners significant interest and funding, it's a strong indicator that there is a market demand for your app. Conversely, if it struggles to gain traction, you can use the feedback to refine your concept or rethink your approach without having invested substantial resources.


Creating an Effective Campaign

Creating an effective crowdfunding campaign involves more than just posting your app idea online and hoping for the best. You'll need to develop a strategic plan to capture the interest and investment of potential backers. 

Firstly, know your audience. Understand who will use your app, what problems it will solve, and why your solution is valuable. This helps in tailoring your campaign content to resonate with potential backers. 

Craft a compelling story. People are naturally attracted to stories that evoke emotion and highlight the passion behind the project. Share your journey, the challenges you've faced, and how your app will make a difference. A personal touch can go a long way. 

Set a realistic funding goal. Your target amount should cover your development costs, marketing expenses, and any other budget items, but it should also be attainable. An overly ambitious goal could deter potential backers from contributing. 

Offer attractive rewards. Incentivise potential backers with tiered rewards that offer increasing value based on the contribution level. These can range from early access to the app to exclusive merchandise or personalised offers. 

Create high-quality content. Invest time in developing professional presentation materials, including a captivating video introduction. Clear images, concise text, and engaging visuals will help grab attention and convey your message effectively. 

Leverage social media. Your social media presence is crucial for generating buzz and driving traffic to your crowdfunding page. Utilize all channels available, share updates frequently, and engage with your audience to maintain interest and trust throughout the campaign. 

Update backers regularly. Transparency and communication are key to maintaining backer trust. Provide frequent updates on your progress, any milestones you've reached, and any challenges you're encountering. This not only keeps backers informed but also keeps them engaged and feeling part of the journey. 

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to leveraging the power of the crowd to turn your mobile app idea into a reality.

A Guide for App Developers

Understanding EIS and SEIS

The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) are two powerful tools designed by the UK government to encourage investment in small and growing companies. They offer substantial tax reliefs to investors, making your app project a more enticing proposition. But how do they work, and how can you make the most of them? 

EIS and SEIS Basics: The EIS targets medium-sized operations, allowing investors to claim income tax relief of 30% on investments up to £1 million per tax year. Additionally, if the shares are held for at least three years, capital gains from the sale of these shares are exempt from tax. The SEIS, on the other hand, aims at smaller, earlier-stage companies, offering even more enticing benefits. Investors can claim income tax relief of 50% on investments up to £100,000 per tax year, and similar to the EIS, capital gains are exempt if shares are held over three years. 

Qualifying for EIS and SEIS: To leverage these schemes, your app development company must meet specific criteria. Under the SEIS, your company must be trading for less than two years and have fewer than 25 employees. For EIS, your company should be less than seven years old and employ fewer than 250 staff members. These requirements ensure that only riskier and potentially high-reward ventures can benefit from these reliefs, aligning with the schemes' objectives of fostering innovation and growth. 

Making the Schemes Work for You: Present these schemes as part of your pitch to investors. Clearly explain how they can potentially cut their tax liabilities while providing crucial funding for your app. It's advisable to work with an experienced financial advisor or accountant to ensure compliance and maximise the benefits of these schemes. Such expert guidance can also assist in navigating the complexities of maintaining EIS and SEIS status, further boosting investor confidence. 

Understanding and leveraging EIS and SEIS effectively can significantly enhance your appeal to potential investors, giving your mobile app idea the best possible start. By offering considerable tax incentives, these schemes can help reduce the perceived risk for investors, making it easier for you to secure the funding you need to bring your app to life.


Financial Advantages for Investors

The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) offer compelling financial incentives for investors, designed to mitigate some of the inherent risks associated with investing in startups like your mobile app project. 

Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) 

Under the EIS, investors can enjoy significant tax reliefs. They receive up to 30% income tax relief on investments up to £1 million per tax year. This figure can rise to £2 million if investments are made in knowledge-intensive companies. Crucially for investors, any gains from the sale of EIS shares are exempt from Capital Gains Tax provided the shares have been held for at least three years. 

Imagine an investor puts £100,000 into your app via EIS. They would get £30,000 back in income tax relief, lowering their effective investment to £70,000. If the app becomes successful and the investor sells their shares for £200,000 after three years, they would pay no tax on this £100,000 gain. 

Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) 

The SEIS is even more attractive, particularly for startups seeking their first rounds of funding. It offers 50% income tax relief on investments up to £100,000 per tax year. Additionally, SEIS investors can also benefit from Capital Gains Tax reliefs. 

Taking a practical example, suppose an investor allocates £50,000 to your mobile app under the SEIS. They would receive £25,000 in income tax relief, effectively reducing their risk to £25,000. If your app performs well and the shares sell for £150,000, the £100,000 gain would be free of Capital Gains Tax, making the SEIS a very attractive proposal. 

By leveraging EIS and SEIS, you can make your investment proposition far more enticing to potential backers. These schemes significantly reduce their financial risk, making them more likely to invest in your groundbreaking mobile app idea.

Putting It Together

Choosing the Right Funding Mix for Your Mobile App

Deciding on the ideal funding mix for your mobile app hinges on several factors. Firstly, it's crucial to understand the various types of funding available and how they align with your business goals. Angel investors bring early stages of funding and can provide invaluable mentorship but may require a larger stake in your startup. Venture capitalists, on the other hand, offer more substantial funds that can fuel rapid growth, albeit with higher expectations for equity and a clear exit strategy.

Crowdfunding presents a unique opportunity to not only secure early-stage financing but also to validate your app idea and build a customer base before launch. This democratises the investment process, enabling you to maintain more control over your business in exchange for rewards to your backers. 

Crowdfunding Platform Success Rate Funding Goal Range Fees
Kickstarter 38% £1,000 - £100,000 5% Platform Fee + 3-5% Payment Processing Fee
Indiegogo 17% £500 - £1,000,000 5% Platform Fee + 3% Payment Processing Fee
GoFundMe Not disclosed No Limit 0% Platform Fee + 2.9% Payment Processing Fee

Evaluating your financing needs is a critical step. For instance, if you require significant amounts of capital, venture capital might be more suitable despite its rigorous requirements. Conversely, smaller projects with consumer appeal may thrive on crowdfunding. Blending these sources can give you the flexibility to scale while managing risks and ownership. 

Ultimately, the right funding mix will depend on your specific financial situation and the nature of your mobile app. By blending various sources, such as angel investment, venture capital, crowdfunding, and leveraging EIS/SEIS schemes, you can create a robust financial foundation tailored to your business growth needs. Be strategic, communicate your vision clearly, and remain adaptable to maximise your funding success.

Summing Up


Finding the right funding route for your mobile app can feel overwhelming, but you're not alone. Whether you're considering angel investors, venture capitalists, or crowdfunding, it’s crucial to explore all options and choose the best mix for your unique needs. By understanding the advantages and potential drawbacks of each funding route, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your startup goals and financial needs. Remember, the right funding strategy can turn your innovative idea into a thriving business. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to discuss your own app development project further. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities and turn your mobile app dreams into reality. Whether you need assistance with pitching to investors, creating a crowdfunding campaign, or understanding EIS and SEIS schemes, our team of experts is ready to support you every step of the way. 

Contact us today and let’s start making your mobile app dreams a reality. Together, we can explore the most effective funding options, fine-tune your business plan, and set you on the path to success. Your journey to build a successful mobile app begins here!

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