Expert Guide Series

How Can I Promote My App and Get More Users?



Launching a new mobile app is an exciting milestone, but the real challenge lies in getting it into the hands of eager users. You might be wondering what strategies can help you stand out in the crowded app market. There are several effective ways to promote your mobile app, ranging from paid user acquisition to more organic methods. Each strategy has its own advantages, and understanding them can give your app the boost it needs. 

"Success in the app market isn't just about a great product—it's about smart promotion." - Industry Expert

In this article, we'll explore different tactics, such as: 

  • Paid User Acquisition
  • Organic Discovery
  • App Store Optimisation (ASO)
  • Social Sharing
  • App Store Ads

By the end, you'll have a clear roadmap for turning your app into a must-have download.

Understanding the Basics

Why Mobile App Promotion Matters

The mobile app market is more competitive than ever, with millions of apps vying for users' attention. Without effective promotion, even the most innovative and well-designed app can get lost in the noise. Promoting your mobile app is essential for several reasons: 

Visibility: The primary goal of promotion is to enhance your app's visibility. Greater visibility increases the chances that potential users will discover your app amidst the plethora of available options. Effective promotion strategies can place your app front and centre in app stores, social media, and search engines. 

User Acquisition: Attracting new users is crucial for your app's growth and success. Promotion helps drive downloads by showcasing your app's unique features and benefits to a broader audience. This targeted exposure ensures that your app reaches the users most likely to engage with it. 

Brand Awareness: Consistent promotion builds brand recognition and credibility. When users come across your app multiple times across various platforms, they are more likely to remember and choose it. Building a strong brand presence fosters trust and encourages user loyalty. 

Competitive Edge: In a crowded market, standing out from the competition is vital. Promotion allows you to highlight what sets your app apart, whether it's through innovative features, superior user experience, or unique value propositions. A well-executed promotion strategy can position your app as the go-to choice within its category. 

By understanding the importance of promotion, you can devise strategies that not only introduce your app to new users but also create lasting engagement and growth. In the following sections, we will delve into various methods and techniques that can help you achieve these goals effectively.

Jumpstart Downloads

Leveraging Paid User Acquisition

Paid user acquisition is a powerful way to give your mobile app the initial boost it needs. By investing in targeted ads, you can directly reach potential users who are more likely to download and engage with your app. This can be especially beneficial in the early stages after your app's launch or during key promotional periods. 

There are various platforms and methods to consider: 

  • Facebook and Instagram Ads: These social media giants offer robust targeting options allowing you to pinpoint users based on demographics, interests, and behaviours. Crafting visually appealing ads with compelling copy can significantly improve your conversion rates.
  • Google Ads: Google's vast network enables you to reach users through search results, YouTube, and across a plethora of websites. Utilising keywords related to your app can help you capture intent-driven traffic.
  • In-App Advertising: Partnering with popular apps to display your ads can lead to high-quality installs. Choose apps with audiences similar to your target market for the best results.

However, simply spending on ads won't guarantee success. It's essential to continuously monitor and optimise your campaigns. Analyse metrics such as Cost Per Install (CPI), Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), and lifetime value (LTV) of users to ensure your ad spend is not only driving downloads but also fostering long-term engagement. 

Moreover, A/B testing your ad assets—such as visuals, text, and calls to action—can help you understand what resonates most with your audience. Iterative testing and learning from the performance data can lead to more efficient and effective ad campaigns over time. 

Finally, complementing your paid strategies with comprehensive App Store Optimisation (ASO) efforts will enhance the overall impact. Paid campaigns often drive users to your app store listing, so optimising this page for conversions is imperative. A well-designed app store page can significantly uplift your conversion rates, ensuring that your investment in paid acquisition translates to tangible downloads and user engagement.

Sustainable Growth

Mastering Organic Discovery

Organic discovery is a linchpin for sustainable app growth. It's all about attracting users through non-paid avenues, ensuring a steady, cost-effective influx of downloads. Here’s how you can harness its power effectively: 

Optimise for Search Engines 

Your app's visibility isn't limited to app stores. Many users discover new apps through search engines like Google. Craft content around relevant keywords that resonate with your target audience. Blog posts, how-to guides, and engaging content relevant to your app's features can drive organic traffic and elevate your app's profile across search engines. 

Content Marketing 

You can create a blog or a YouTube channel to discuss topics related to your app. This content should offer value and not just act as an advertisement. If your app is a fitness tracker, consider writing articles on workout routines, healthy eating tips, and motivational pieces. These will draw an audience interested in fitness, who are likely potential users of your app. 

Leverage Social Media 

An active presence on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter can significantly boost organic discovery. Share engaging content regularly, interact with your audience, and use relevant hashtags to increase your reach. Don’t hesitate to join and contribute to community groups relevant to your app’s niche. 

Engage with Communities and Forums 

Online communities and forums like Reddit, Quora, and niche-specific sites can be gold mines for organic discovery. Participate in discussions, answer questions, and softly mention your app where relevant. Authentic engagement will build trust and organically boost your app’s visibility. 

Maximise User Reviews and Ratings 

User reviews and ratings play a critical role in organic discovery. Encourage satisfied users to leave positive reviews on app stores. Addressing user feedback also demonstrates your commitment to improving the app, fostering loyalty and potentially increasing word-of-mouth recommendations. 

Build and Nurture Partnerships 

Collaborate with other businesses, apps, or influencers that align with your app’s mission. These partnerships can range from co-created content to bundled services, which helps introduce your app to new, relevant audiences without direct advertising costs. 

By focusing on these strategies and continuously engaging with your potential user base, your app can thrive with sustainable, organic growth.

Unlock Organic Growth

The Power of App Store Optimisation (ASO)

App Store Optimisation (ASO) is an essential strategy for ensuring your mobile app stands out amidst the competition. Much like SEO, ASO aims to improve an app’s visibility within app stores, thereby driving more organic downloads. The ultimate goal is to rank higher in search results and top charts, as higher ranks lead to more visibility and more downloads. 

Both Google Play and the Apple App Store have their unique ranking algorithms, making it crucial to tailor your ASO strategy to each platform. Several factors contribute to your app’s ranking, including the relevance of your keywords, the quality and quantity of user reviews, the number of downloads, and the usage metrics. 

One of the foundational aspects of ASO is keyword optimisation. Start by researching and identifying keywords that potential users are likely to use when searching for an app like yours. Including these keywords naturally within your app’s title and description can significantly boost your app’s discoverability. 

Keyword Search Volume Relevance Competition Level
Mobile App High High High
App Download Medium High Medium
Free App Medium Medium High
Top Apps Low Medium Low
Best Apps Low High Medium

Another vital element is the visual appeal of your app's store listing. High-quality screenshots, captivating videos, and a striking app icon can make a substantial difference. These visual elements not only attract potential users but also communicate the app’s value proposition effectively. Remember, your app store listing is often the first interaction users have with your app, so making a great first impression is crucial. 

ASO is not a one-time task; it requires continuous monitoring and optimisation. Regularly updating your app with new features and improvements, promptly addressing user feedback, and conducting A/B testing on different elements of your app store listing are all part of a successful ASO strategy. By frequently iterating and refining your approach, you can improve your app’s conversion rates and drive consistent growth in downloads. 

Furthermore, localising your app store listing can open doors to new markets. Localisation involves translating and adapting your app’s listing to cater to different languages and cultural preferences. This can significantly broaden your app’s reach and appeal, attracting users from various regions. 

In summary, ASO is a powerful tool in your mobile app marketing arsenal. It involves a mix of creative and technical strategies aimed at improving your app’s visibility and conversion rates. By investing time and resources into ASO, you can ensure that your app not only attracts more users but also retains them.

Tell a Story

Designing a Compelling App Store Listing

First impressions matter, and your app store listing is where potential users decide whether to download your app. To make it compelling, focus on several critical elements. 

App Name and Icon: Start with a simple, memorable app name that's indicative of its functionality. Your app icon should be visually appealing and instantly recognisable. Ensure it meets platform-specific guidelines for a professional look. 

App Description: Craft a concise yet informative description that highlights your app's unique features and benefits. Use relevant keywords naturally to improve searchability, but avoid keyword stuffing. Users should quickly understand what makes your app valuable to them. 

Screenshots and Previews: Visual elements play a key role in attracting users. Include high-quality screenshots and video previews that showcase your app's interface and core features. Use captions to explain functionalities, making it easy for users to grasp your app's value at a glance. 

Ratings and Reviews: Positive ratings and reviews can significantly boost your app's appeal. Encourage satisfied users to leave reviews and highlight these in your listing. A steady flow of good reviews not only enhances perception but also improves your app's ranking in search results. 

Keywords and Categories: Select the right keywords and app categories wisely. Research which keywords potential users might search for and ensure these are integrated naturally into your listing. Choosing the correct categories will help your app reach the right audience. 

Feature Graphic (Google Play): On Google Play, the feature graphic is an essential part of your listing. Design an eye-catching graphic that encapsulates the essence of your app. This image is a potential user's first interaction with your app, so make it count. 

By thoughtfully optimising these elements, you create a compelling app store listing that draws in more users and encourages downloads. Remember, continuous testing and iteration based on user feedback and analytics can further refine your app's appeal over time.

Shout It Out

Social Sharing Tactics to Amplify Your Reach

Social sharing is an incredibly powerful tool in promoting your mobile app. The more users share your app, the broader your audience becomes. Here's how you can leverage social sharing tactics to amplify your reach: 

Create Shareable Content 

Develop engaging content that resonates with your target audience. This could be in the form of interesting articles, eye-catching infographics, or shareable videos. The aim is to create content so compelling that users feel excited to share it with their network. 

Integrate Social Sharing Features 

Make it easy for your users to share content directly from your app. Integrate social sharing buttons in strategic places, encouraging users to spread the word. Whether it's sharing achievements, inviting friends, or posting reviews, simplify the process to boost sharing rates. 

Run Social Media Contests 

Contests can generate buzz and attract more users to your app. Organise promotions where users can win rewards by sharing your app or tagging their friends. This not only increases visibility but also encourages user engagement and loyalty. 

Collaborate with Influencers 

Influencers can be potent allies in spreading the word about your app. Partner with influencers whose audience aligns with your target market. Their endorsement can translate into increased app downloads and user engagement. 

Encourage User-Generated Content 

User-generated content acts as social proof and can significantly impact the credibility and popularity of your app. Encourage users to share their own content related to your app on social media. Highlighting this content on your platforms can build a community around your app. 

Utilise Social Media Ads 

Leverage the targeting capabilities of social media ads to reach potential users. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer flexible ad options that can be tailored to your specific audience demographics, ensuring that your app gets in front of the right eyes. 

Incorporating these social sharing tactics into your marketing strategy can help you amplify your app’s reach, attract more users, and build a robust community around your app.

Boost Visibility

Utilising Influencer Marketing

Influencers have carved a niche in the digital marketing ecosystem, offering unparalleled access to targeted audiences. Leveraging their reach can significantly amplify your app's visibility, driving both downloads and user engagement. 

When selecting influencers, it's crucial to find those who align with your app's niche and values. A gaming app, for instance, benefits substantially from partnerships with gaming influencers. Their audience already has an inherent interest in the topic, ensuring your promotional efforts are received well. 

Begin by researching potential influencers, examining their audience demographics, engagement rates, and content style. Tools like HypeAuditor or Social Blade can help you analyse and choose the right candidates. Once you've shortlisted potential influencers, initiate communication by expressing genuine interest in their work and proposing a mutually beneficial collaboration. 

  • Micro-influencers often have higher engagement rates than macro-influencers.
  • Influencer partnerships can enhance brand credibility and reach.
  • The authenticity of an influencer is crucial for genuine promotion.
  • Choosing influencers whose audience aligns with your target market can yield better results.
  • Contract agreements should be clear about deliverables and timelines.

Influencer marketing isn't just about paying for a mention; it's about creating authentic experiences and stories around your app. Encourage influencers to use your app genuinely and share their honest feedback with their followers. This authenticity builds trust and can lead to higher conversion rates compared to traditional advertising. 

Additionally, consider creating an influencer marketing campaign that includes multiple touchpoints like reviews, tutorial videos, social media shout-outs, and even live streaming sessions. This multi-faceted approach engages the influencer's audience in various ways, increasing the likelihood of download and sustained app usage

Remember to track the performance of your influencer campaigns meticulously. Monitor metrics such as download spikes, user engagement, and social media mentions to evaluate ROI. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to optimise future influencer partnerships. 

In summary, influencer marketing offers a dynamic route to enhance your app's visibility. By choosing the right influencers and crafting authentic, engaging campaigns, you can tap into their loyal followers and turn them into your users.

Other Tactics

How Apple Search Ads Can Drive Targeted Users

If you're looking to reach a specific audience directly within the Apple ecosystem, Apple Search Ads can be an incredibly effective tool. These ads appear at the top of relevant search results in the App Store, making it a prime spot to catch the eye of potential users actively searching for apps like yours. 

Apple Search Ads allow you to target users based on a multitude of factors, including demographics, interests, and app usage patterns. This hyper-targeting ensures your app is seen by users most likely to be interested in it, thereby increasing conversion rates. Additionally, the pay-per-click model means you only pay when a user taps on your ad, making it a cost-effective strategy. 

Using Apple Search Ads also provides valuable insights into the keywords that drive the most traffic. You can leverage this data to refine your App Store Optimisation (ASO) strategy, ensuring that your app ranks higher in organic searches as well. It’s a synergistic approach: the better your ASO, the more effective your Search Ads, and vice versa. 

Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.
- Seth Godin

To make the most out of Apple Search Ads, begin with broad match keywords to capture a large audience and then narrow down to exact match keywords for precision targeting. Regularly monitoring and adjusting your bids based on performance can help optimise your budget, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck. 

Moreover, Apple provides comprehensive analytics through App Store Connect and other tools, enabling you to measure the performance of your Search Ads campaigns. These insights can further assist in fine-tuning your marketing strategy, helping you understand what appeals to your target users and what doesn’t. 

Incorporating Apple Search Ads into your marketing mix not only drives targeted traffic but also boosts your app’s visibility and credibility in the App Store. When used effectively, they can be a powerful catalyst for your app’s growth and success.

Putting It Together

Crafting a Balanced Marketing Strategy

Creating a balanced marketing strategy involves a blend of multiple promotion techniques to ensure your app reaches its full potential. Begin by setting clear, measurable goals—whether that's driving downloads, increasing user engagement, or improving your app's visibility in the app stores. These goals will guide your strategic choices and help measure the success of your efforts. 

Budget Allocation

Determining how much to spend and where to allocate your budget is crucial. A good rule of thumb is to distribute funds across both paid and organic methods. For instance, invest a portion in paid user acquisition strategies like social media ads and Apple Search Ads, while also committing resources to long-term growth tactics like content marketing and ASO. 

Seasonal Adjustments

Understanding and reacting to seasonality can significantly enhance your app's performance. Certain times of the year might see a spike in downloads and user engagement. Align your marketing efforts with these periods to maximise ROI. For example, a fitness app might ramp up its marketing just before New Year’s, when health resolutions are popular. 

Experimentation and A/B Testing

Regular experimentation and A/B testing are integral to a high-performing marketing strategy. Test different ad creatives, app store elements, and content types to identify what resonates most with your audience. Tools like SplitMetrics Optimise can aid in streamlining this process, allowing you to design and test variations efficiently. 


Don't underestimate the power of localisation. Tailoring your app listing, promotional materials, and user experience to different languages and cultures can significantly broaden your user base. Localised app store optimisation (ASO) ensures that your app appears relevant in various markets, boosting downloads from international users. 

KPIs and Analytics

Track your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) closely. Whether it's Cost Per Install (CPI), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), or retention rates, these metrics will reveal what's working and what needs adjustment. Mastering the analytics systems of different app stores will provide deeper insights and help you fine-tune your approach. 

A balanced marketing strategy is not static; it should evolve based on performance data and market trends. Continually reassess and adjust your strategies to stay ahead of the competition and maintain steady growth.

Summing Up


Promoting your mobile app effectively requires a holistic approach, blending paid acquisition strategies, organic discovery, robust app store optimisation, and engaging social media tactics. By implementing a well-rounded marketing strategy, you can significantly enhance your app's visibility and drive sustained growth. Understanding the nuances of each promotional method will empower you to tailor your efforts, ensuring that your app stands out in a crowded digital marketplace and attracts a loyal user base. 

Remember, each strategy offers unique benefits and addressing them together enhances their overall impact. If you're ready to see your app flourish, don't hesitate to reach out for expert assistance in driving more users to your mobile app. 

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