Expert Guide Series

How Do I Define the Requirements for My Mobile App?



So, you're ready to create a mobile app for your business. Exciting times! But the journey from that first spark of an idea to launching an app can feel more like navigating a maze. There's so much to consider, where do you even start?!? You're not alone in feeling a bit overwhelmed. After all, defining the requirements for your mobile app is a crucial first step that can make or break your project. But don't panic! We're here to guide you through this, one step at a time. 

A goal without a plan is just a wish.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

In this guide, we're going to simplify the complexities of requirements gathering. You'll learn how to define clear, actionable requirements for your app, making the whole development process smoother and more efficient. By the end, you'll walk away with a concrete understanding of: 

  • The importance of knowing your app's purpose and audience
  • How to outline core features and functionalities
  • Building detailed user stories to paint the picture
  • Methods to prioritise what's essential versus what's nice to have
  • Setting up a realistic project timeline with milestones
  • Pitfalls to avoid in the requirements definition phase

Ready to get started? Let's dive in and turn those app ideas into a tangible, well-planned reality.

The Basics

Why Defining Your Mobile App Requirements Matters


Imagine building a house without a blueprint. You'd likely end up with misplaced windows, random doors, and who knows what else. In the world of mobile apps, defining requirements is your blueprint. It sets the direction for every decision and action that follows. 

For businesses like yours, this isn’t just paperwork; it’s the foundation for your app's success. Well-defined requirements ensure that everyone involved—be it developers, designers, or stakeholders—understand what the app is supposed to do. This means fewer hiccups, less backtracking, and a smoother development process. 

And let's be honest, without clear requirements, you risk pouring resources into something that doesn’t quite hit the mark. Not just in terms of functionality, but also in fulfilling your business goals and meeting user expectations. Imagine launching your app only to find out that it’s missing a critical feature your users need. Yikes! 

By clearly defining your mobile app requirements, you set a solid foundation that informs the project's scope, budget, and timeline. You also give your team a resource to refer back to, ensuring that your app stays true to its vision—and all that effort and investment are well worth it.

Why Build It?

Understanding Your App’s Purpose and Audience

Right, this is where things start to get really interesting. Before diving headfirst into design or coding, it’s vital to grasp the "why" behind your mobile app. Essentially, ask yourself: What problem does my app solve? Who needs this app, and why should they care? 

Let's say you've decided to open a new shop;  would you just set it up somewhere without considering who your customers are or what they need? Probably not. The same logic applies to mobile apps. Defining your app's purpose and knowing your audience can make all the difference between a hit and a miss. 

Start by identifying your target audience. These are the people who will download, use, and hopefully rave about your app. To get a clear picture of them, think about their preferences, behaviours, and needs. Are they tech-savvy teens looking for the latest game, or busy professionals seeking productivity tools? 

Target Audience Characteristics Common Needs
Tech-savvy Teens Early adopters, Social media enthusiasts, Mobile gaming fans Engagement, Entertainment, Instant gratification
Busy Professionals Time-constrained, Task-oriented, Efficiency seekers Productivity tools, Schedule management, Ease of use
Health & Fitness Enthusiasts Goal-driven, Trackers, Community-focused Progress tracking, Personalised plans, Community support
Parents Multi-taskers, Safety-conscious, Budget-aware Educational content, Organisational tools, Child safety features
Gamers Competitive, Immersive experience seekers, Customisation lovers Challenging gameplay, Social features, Customisation options

Once you've got a handle on who your target users are, think about the problems they face that your app can solve. This is where you can really start to connect with them on a deeper level. Are you making their daily commute easier, organising their work tasks, or perhaps providing some much-needed entertainment during their downtime? 

Conducting some basic market research goes a long way to answering these questions. Look at what’s currently available in the App Store and see how your app can offer something unique. If there's a similar app out there, what can you do better? Perhaps you can make it more user-friendly, add extra features, or simply make it more fun to use. 

Remember, your app’s purpose is its guiding star. It not only shapes what your app will do but also influences how it will look and feel. And once you’ve nailed that, defining the rest of the app's requirements will feel a bit like connecting the dots.

What's Important?

Identifying Core Features and Functionalities


The heart of your mobile app lies in its core features and functionalities. Think of these as the main attractions at a theme park – they need to be exciting and worthwhile for your users to keep coming back (and often times spending money!). 

First, ask yourself, "What problem is my app solving?" Knowing this will help you pinpoint the most critical features your app must have. For example, if you’re creating a fitness app, core functionalities might include tracking workouts, logging nutrition, and providing personalised exercise plans. These are the essentials that your users will find indispensable. 

Next, consider the user journey. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine you’re using your app for the first time – what features make the experience seamless, enjoyable, and worthwhile? Jot these down. For instance, a retail app might benefit from having a user profile system, a secure checkout process, and a wish list feature. 

But don’t stop there. Think about additional functionalities that could set your app apart. These are like the extra sprinkles on your ice cream – not crucial but make the experience so much more magical. For example, in a podcast app, while the primary feature might be streaming episodes, additional functionalities could include creating playlists or a review and comment section. These can enhance user engagement and satisfaction. 

You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.Steve Jobs

Prioritise these features by value and feasibility. Ask, "Will this feature significantly improve the user's experience?" and "Is it technically feasible within our timeline and budget?" This approach will help you focus on what's truly important while avoiding a lengthy wish list that hinders development. 

Remember, it’s also about perfecting the core functionalities first. A jack of all trades is a master of none. So, ensure the essential features are robust and polished before moving on to extras. This strategy is especially true for building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Starting with the MVP allows you to get your app into the market faster, collect valuable user feedback, and iterate improvements based on real-world usage. 

Integrate market research into this process. Explore existing apps similar to yours, analyse their features, read user feedback, and identify gaps and opportunities. This research can offer insights into what works well and what doesn't, helping you refine your feature list. 

In short, defining core features and functionalities is about understanding your user’s needs, prioritising essential functionalities, and leveraging market insights. Patience and precision here can save a lot of headaches down the road and ensure your app is a hit with users.

Prioritising Features

What's Essential and What's Nice to Have?

Alright, you’ve got your list of app features and the reasoning behind them; you’re excited! But hold on – let’s take a moment to prioritise those features. Piling on too many features can overcomplicate things and delay your launch. Instead, let’s focus on the essentials first. 

Ask yourself: What’s the one thing this app absolutely needs to do? This could be your app's core functionality. Maybe it’s allowing users to book a table if you’re a restaurant, or perhaps it’s tracking fitness activities if your app is geared towards health enthusiasts. This core feature is your main course – the heart of your app. 

Now, let’s sprinkle on some sides. These are the additional functionalities that enhance your app but aren’t critical for its primary use. Think of features like social sharing, user profiles, or a nifty review system. Nice to have? Absolutely. Essential? Maybe not just yet. 

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.Leonardo da Vinci

Here’s a little trick we love to use at Glance: the MVP approach – Minimum Viable Product. Basically, it’s a way of getting your app to market with just the core features. This allows you to gather real user feedback and make improvements without breaking the bank or losing your sanity. 

How do you decide what’s essential? A good starting point is user stories. Write down different scenarios of how your target users will interact with your app. These stories will help you better understand which features are must-haves and which ones can wait for version 2.0. 

Remember, less is often more. An app that does a few things exceptionally well is far more valuable than one that does many things poorly. So, take a deep breath, prioritise wisely, and get ready to delight your users with a streamlined and effective mobile app.

How To Do It

Creating User Stories to Paint the Picture


Imagine trying to describe your dream house to a builder. You wouldn’t just say, "Build me a house," and walk away, would you? You’d probably paint a vivid picture: "I want a cosy two-bedroom cottage with a white picket fence, a garden for my vegetables, and a fireplace in the living room." That’s essentially what user stories do for your mobile app development team. 

User stories are simple descriptions of a feature or function from the end user's perspective. Think of them as little narratives that provide context and highlight the specific needs or goals of your users. You might start a user story with, "As a user, I want to, so that..." For example, "As a user, I want to book a table at my favourite restaurant through the app so that I can share good times with friends." 

When creating user stories, it's crucial to keep them concise yet descriptive. This practice helps ensure that everyone from developers to stakeholders understands the desired outcome. It’s like giving everyone on your team a clear map to the treasure – straightforward but with enough detail to find the gold. 

So, why are user stories so effective? Well, they foster empathy and user-centric thinking. When your team can see the app through the eyes of your users, they’re more likely to create something that truly meets their needs. Plus, user stories keep everyone on the same page, quite literally. You avoid the “lost in translation” moments that can happen with technical jargon. 

As a practical tip, gather your team and brainstorm these stories together. It’s more fun and effective to get various perspectives, and you might just uncover needs you hadn’t thought of. Remember, the more accurate your user stories, the smoother the journey to your app’s success.

Project Setup

Setting Up a Project Timeline and Milestones

Setting up a project timeline and defining milestones might sound about as thrilling as watching paint dry, but trust us, it's vital to the success of your mobile app development. 

Step 1: Define Your Key Milestones 

Break your project down into manageable chunks. These are your key milestones. For example, your first milestone could be completing the initial design, while your second could be developing a functional prototype. Each milestone should represent a significant achievement in the development journey. 

Step 2: Create a Timeline 

Now, map these milestones onto a timeline. Consider how long each phase will realistically take. Be generous with your time estimates; unexpected hitches can occur, and it's better to be ahead of schedule than behind. An agile approach works well here – break your development into sprints, each lasting around two weeks. Each sprint focuses on specific features, helping keep the project on track. 

Step 3: Allocate Resources 

Who is going to do what, and by when? Assign tasks to your team members based on their skills and availability. Make sure everyone knows their responsibilities and deadlines. This not only keeps everyone accountable but also ensures that there are no bottlenecks in the workflow. 

Step 4: Regular Check-Ins 

Schedule regular check-ins to assess progress. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings can help catch issues early and keep the team aligned. Use these check-ins to review completed tasks, discuss any roadblocks, and adjust the timeline if necessary. Remember, flexibility is key. 

Step 5: Celebrate Small Wins! 

Don’t wait until the final launch to celebrate. Recognise and reward the small victories along the way. Did the team nail that tricky bit of code? Or finish ahead of schedule on the latest sprint? Celebrate it! These small moments of recognition can keep morale high and spirits lifted throughout the development process. 

By following these steps, you'll not only keep your project organised and on track but also create a more enjoyable development journey for your team. And hey, when those milestones start turning into reality, it’s a pretty great feeling!

What to Avoid

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Defining App Requirements


We know the journey of creating a mobile app can feel like an elaborate maze. It’s thrilling but overwhelmingly intricate. Below are some hiccups you may encounter and how to skilfully dodge them. 

Overloading with features: Picture this – giving a toddler ten toys at once. Sounds chaotic, right? Similarly, cramming too many features into your app can confuse and deter users. It’s best to focus on core functionalities that solve your users' primary needs. 

Vague requirements: You wouldn't ask a builder to create your dream house by only saying, "I want it nice." You wouldn’t get your dream house, would you? Providing clear, detailed descriptions of what you need helps avoid missteps and costly revisits. 

Ignoring user feedback: Ignoring what your users want is like cooking a gourmet meal for guests while forgetting to ask if they have food allergies. Early and consistent user feedback is your guiding star. 

Neglecting market research: Developing an app without understanding your competition is like entering a cooking contest without ever tasting the competing dishes. Market research gives you the edge and ensures your app stands out. 

Poor communication with developers: If your team isn’t on the same page, everyone will be playing a different tune – there's no harmony, just noise. Clear, consistent, and empathetic communication with your developers can make all the difference. 

Unrealistic timelines: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your app be. Setting unrealistic deadlines can cause stress and result in a subpar product. Establish practical timelines based on thorough planning and expert advice. 

By steering clear of these common pitfalls, you’ll be well on your way to developing an app that not only meets but exceeds expectations. And remember, we've done this with hundreds of apps (and learnt from these mistakes) so you can avoid the pain in your own projects!

Summing Up


From pinning down the purpose of your app to sketching out its features, we've taken a broad yet detailed journey through everything that makes an app successful. By now, you should have a solid foundation for defining your mobile app requirements. But remember, this is just the start. Every great mobile app begins with clear, well-thought-out requirements. Don’t worry if it feels overwhelming; it’s normal. Everyone we work with has been in your boa; we've seen it all and, trust us, the journey is worth it. 

As you move forward, keep in mind that flexibility can also be your ally. Markets change, user needs evolve, and sometimes, you discover new features that were not initially on your radar. That's okay! Adjustments are part of the process.  And hey, if you're stuck or need a second opinion, don't hesitate to reach out. We at Glance are always here to lend a hand. After all, your success is our success, and we have the expertise to help bring your vision to life. 

Above all, stay focused and enjoy the process. Building something new is exciting! Who knows, your app could be the next big thing everyone's talking about. Cheers to creating something brilliant!

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