Expert Guide Series

How Can I Make Money From a Mobile App?



In today's mobile-centric world, developing an app has become a promising avenue for generating revenue. Yet, with so many options available, choosing the right monetisation strategy can be daunting. Whether you're an aspiring developer or a seasoned entrepreneur, knowing how to make money from your mobile app is crucial. From offering free apps loaded with in-app purchase options to implementing a subscription model, the choices are manifold and diverse. 

“The most successful apps blend a strong value proposition with a well-thought-out monetisation strategy.”

This article delves into various monetisation strategies, including free and paid models, in-app purchases, subscriptions, and even user donations. By understanding the nuances and benefits of each approach, you can determine which strategy aligns best with your app's goals and target audience.

The Basics

How to Monetise Your Mobile App

Monetising your mobile app effectively requires a solid understanding of your target market, the value you’re offering, and the best strategies to match. With numerous options available, selecting the right approach can significantly impact your app's success and sustainability. Below, we explore some common and effective monetisation strategies to help you determine the best fit for your app. 

Free Apps: A popular starting point for many app developers, the free model can attract a large user base quickly. However, it’s crucial to think about how you'll generate revenue once users are onboard, often through ads or in-app purchases. 

Paid Apps: Charging users to download your app can be profitable if your app offers unique, high-quality content or features not available elsewhere. This model requires a compelling value proposition to convince users to pay upfront. 

In-App Purchases: This versatile strategy allows users to buy additional content, features, or services within the app. It's ideal for apps across various categories, from games to productivity tools, and can significantly boost revenue while keeping the initial app installation free. 

Subscriptions: Offering subscription plans can provide a steady revenue stream and foster user loyalty. Users pay on a recurring basis, whether monthly or annually, to access premium content or features, making it an attractive option for apps with continuously updating content. 

Advertising: Integrating ads within your app can generate revenue based on impressions or clicks. This strategy works well for apps with high user engagement and frequent usage. However, maintaining a balance between ad volume and user experience is key to retaining your audience. 

Donations: Some apps, especially those of non-profits or community projects, rely on user donations. Offering a voluntary payment option can work well if your app serves a niche audience committed to your mission or content. 

As you consider these strategies, keep in mind that combining multiple approaches often yields the best results. A well-thought-out monetisation plan not only ensures that your app generates income but also delivers value to your users, fostering long-term success.

Free Apps

Advantages of Offering a Free App

Offering a free app can significantly boost your download numbers, as potential users are more likely to try out something that doesn’t cost them anything upfront. This strategy not only increases your user base but also provides a fertile ground for implementing other monetisation methods, such as in-app purchases or ads, once users are already engaged and invested in your app. 

Additionally, a free app lowers the barrier to entry and helps you reach a broader audience. This is especially vital in competitive markets where getting noticed can be challenging. The wider adoption you gain from offering a free app can create a snowball effect, driving organic growth through word-of-mouth and social shares. 

Moreover, free apps tend to have higher visibility in app stores. They frequently appear in popular categories and rankings, which can provide additional exposure and attract more users. By offering a valuable service or experience for free, you also have the opportunity to build a loyal user base that trusts your brand. This trust can be leveraged in the future when introducing new apps or features. 

Lastly, a free app offers you valuable insights into user behaviour and preferences, which can be used to refine your app further and make informed decisions on future updates or releases. By understanding what engages your users most, you can tailor your monetisation strategies more effectively to suit their needs and enhance their overall experience.

Paid Apps

Benefits of a Paid App Model

A paid app model requires users to pay an upfront fee to download your app, ensuring that you generate revenue from each installation. This method can be particularly advantageous if you offer unique content or valuable features not found in free apps. Since users have invested money, they often exhibit higher loyalty and engagement, which could lead to longer app usage and better user retention

One significant benefit of the paid app model is the consistency of revenue generation. Unlike free apps, where income can be unpredictable, a paid app secures a reliable income stream with each download. This steady financial base can be especially valuable for budgeting and planning future updates or additional features for your app. 

Moreover, a paid app tends to foster a higher-quality user experience, unimpeded by advertisements that might disrupt user engagement. Since users have already paid for the app, there's less need to rely on ad-based revenue, allowing you to focus on enhancing the app's overall functionality and usability without the clutter of ads. This can make your app more attractive to users who prefer a seamless and ad-free experience. 

However, one challenge of the paid model is the high consumer expectation for free apps. Users often gravitate towards free options, making it crucial for your paid app to offer distinctive and compelling value. Successful paid apps usually benefit from strong brand recognition or a unique selling proposition that sets them apart from free alternatives. 

To summarise, while the paid app model presents challenges, it also offers distinct advantages such as reliable revenue, higher user loyalty, and a more focused user experience. By leveraging these benefits, you can create a sustainable and successful app that stands out in a competitive market.

Taking Payments

Exploring In-App Purchases

In-app purchases (IAPs) have become a cornerstone of app monetisation, allowing users to buy virtual goods, services, or premium features within the app itself. This model offers a versatile approach to revenue generation without the need to charge an upfront fee, thereby lowering the barrier to entry for new users. 

One key benefit of IAPs is the customisability they offer. Different users have different needs and preferences, and in-app purchases can cater to a variety of them. Whether it's through the option to buy additional game levels, special content, or even virtual currency, there’s something to entice nearly every user. 

However, simply offering in-app purchases isn't enough. Optimising these offerings is crucial for maximising revenue. For instance, timely and well-placed prompts can encourage more users to make a purchase. Additionally, offering a mix of smaller and larger purchases can cater to both casual users and more committed ones, thereby widening your potential revenue base. 

It's also important to consider the types of apps that benefit most from the IAP model. Games are the most obvious example, but this strategy can also be effective in apps focused on productivity, creativity, or even fitness. By identifying what aspect of your app users find most valuable, you can tailor in-app purchases to enhance their experience while boosting your income. 

Avoid being overly aggressive with purchase prompts to ensure that the user experience remains enjoyable. Striking the right balance between encouraging purchases and maintaining a seamless user experience is essential. Done right, in-app purchases can generate a steady stream of revenue while keeping users engaged and satisfied.

Taking Payments

Maximising Revenue with Subscriptions

Subscription models have become an increasingly popular strategy, and with good reason. They provide a steady and predictable cash flow, which can be crucial for the long-term sustainability of an app. By offering exclusive content, regular updates, or unique features, you can create a compelling reason for users to commit to a recurring payment. 

Apps that frequently update their content, such as video streaming services, news platforms, and fitness apps, are particularly well-suited to this model. Not only do they provide continuous value to the user, but they also generate a reliable revenue stream across months and years. The key is to ensure that the content or services offered through the subscription are not only unique but also indispensable to your users.

One strategy to encourage long-term commitments is to offer discounts for extended subscription periods. For instance, providing a lower monthly rate for annual subscribers compared to those who pay monthly can incentivise users to opt for the longer commitment. This not only boosts immediate revenue but also secures customer loyalty for an extended period. 

Remember, the success of a subscription model hinges on customer retention. Retaining subscribers requires continuous value addition in the form of new features, improved user experience, and regular content updates. Keeping your users engaged and satisfied is paramount, as a high churn rate can quickly erode the benefits of this strategy. 

In 2020 alone, the subscription model generated an impressive $13 billion in revenue. This underscores its potential to be extremely lucrative when executed well. By focusing on delivering ongoing value and engaging content, you can harness this model to maximise your app's revenue potential.

Taking Payments

Leveraging Ads for Income

Advertisements have become a cornerstone of app monetisation, providing effective ways to generate revenue without directly charging users. The beauty of leveraging ads lies in its flexibility and variety, allowing you to integrate them seamlessly into your app experience. 

There are several ad formats you can utilise, each with its unique benefits. Banner ads are perhaps the most common, appearing as rectangular strips that can display at the top or bottom of the screen. They're less invasive, allowing continued app use, but can sometimes be overlooked by users. 

For a more immersive option, consider interstitial ads. These full-screen adverts appear at natural transition points within your app, like between game levels or after completing specific tasks. Though more noticeable, they can be disruptive if not strategically placed, so it's key to time their appearance to avoid frustrating users. 

Another engaging format is rewarded ads. These ads provide users with incentives, such as virtual currency or extra lives in a game, in exchange for watching a commercial. They not only enhance user engagement but also add value, encouraging users to opt-in willingly. 

Native ads blend seamlessly with the app content, offering a non-intrusive advertising experience. They match the look and feel of your app, making them less likely to be dismissed as intrusive, thereby enhancing user interaction. 

If your app generates substantial user data, data monetisation is another lucrative avenue. By leveraging user data for targeted advertising, you can increase ad relevance, click-through rates, and ultimately, your revenue. Of course, it's essential to handle user data responsibly and comply with privacy regulations.

Advertising Options

Different Ad Formats Explained

When it comes to in-app advertising, understanding the variety of ad formats available can help you select the most effective ones for your app. Here's a breakdown of some popular ad formats: 

Banner Ads: These are small, rectangular ads that typically appear at the top or bottom of the screen. They are less intrusive, but because of their size, they might not be as attention-grabbing as other formats. 

Interstitial Ads: Full-screen ads that cover the interface of their host app. These are displayed at natural transition points, such as between game levels, ensuring they don't disrupt the user experience too much. However, their intrusive nature can sometimes lead to user frustration. 

Video Ads: These are short video clips that play automatically or at the user's command. Video ads are engaging and often lead to higher conversion rates. However, they require a good internet connection and can consume significant data. 

Rewarded Video Ads: A savvy twist on the traditional video ad. Users are given in-app rewards like coins, extra lives, or exclusive content for watching these ads. This not only ensures user engagement but also enhances the user experience by offering something of value in return. 

Medium Rectangle Ads (MRECs): A flexible format often seen in content feeds and alongside main content. They measure typically 300x250 pixels and offer a balance between visibility and user experience. Their size allows for more detailed ad content without overwhelming the user. 

Native Ads: Designed to blend seamlessly into the app's interface. They match the look and feel of the app, making them less intrusive and increasing the likelihood of user interaction. The subtlety of native ads can enhance user experience while still driving revenue. 

Playable Ads: Interactive ads that allow users to engage with a mini-version of a game or app before they decide to download or purchase. Playable ads are highly engaging and can significantly boost conversion rates by allowing users to ‘try before they buy’. 

Offerwall Ads: These present users with a list of offers, such as downloading an app or completing a survey, in exchange for in-app rewards. Offerwalls can drive engagement and generate revenue, especially in games or apps with a virtual currency system. 

Choosing the right ad format for your app can make a significant difference in your revenue and user experience. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each format, you can strategically implement ads that align with your app's design and your users' preferences.

Other Options

The Role of Sponsorships

Securing sponsorships can significantly boost your app’s revenue. When you effectively partner with businesses or influencers, they can promote your app to their audience, increasing your visibility and download rates. 

Sponsorships work best when both parties benefit. For instance, if your app targets fitness enthusiasts, partnering with a sportswear brand can be mutually advantageous. They gain direct access to your app’s user base, potentially increasing their sales, while you receive financial support and added credibility. 

To attract sponsors, showcase your app’s unique value proposition and user engagement metrics. Provide detailed insights into your user demographics, in-app behaviours, and the overall reach your app offers. Highlighting such data makes your app an appealing prospect for potential sponsors. 

Moreover, sponsored content can take various forms. It could be branded challenges within a game, exclusive content for certain users, or splash screens with the sponsor’s logo. Tailor the sponsorship type to fit seamlessly within your app, ensuring it enhances rather than disrupts the user experience.

Other Options

Encouraging User Donations

Encouraging user donations can be an effective and straightforward way to generate revenue, particularly if your app provides a valuable service or content that resonates with users. Many users are willing to support apps they find beneficial, especially if they understand the costs involved in maintaining and developing the app. 

To make it easy for users to donate, integrate a seamless donation process within the app. Platforms like PayPal, Patreon, or similar services can simplify the user experience. Consider including options for one-time donations as well as recurring contributions to cater to different user preferences. Highlighting how the donations improve the app or fund specific features can also motivate users to contribute. 

Transparency plays a key role in encouraging donations. Be open about where the donations are going and how they impact the app's development. Users are more likely to give if they know their money is making a tangible difference. 

Here are some tips to effectively encourage user donations: 

  • Show Appreciation: A simple thank you goes a long way. Acknowledge your donors within the app or through personalised messages.
  • Offer Incentives: Provide small incentives, such as exclusive access to new features, ad-free experiences, or special badges, to users who donate.
  • Communicate Regularly: Keep users updated on how their donations are being used. This builds trust and encourages continued support.
  • Highlight Testimonials: Share stories or feedback from other users who have donated and benefited from the app's improvements.

By fostering a sense of community and appreciation, you can effectively encourage users to support your app financially through donations.

Strategic Approach

Combining Multiple Strategies for Optimal Results

Combining multiple monetisation strategies can be a game-changer for your mobile app. One effective approach is the hybrid monetisation strategy, which blends two or more revenue models. This often includes a mix of in-app ads and in-app purchases, allowing you to diversify your income sources and mitigate risks associated with relying on a single method. 

For instance, you might offer a free app with optional in-app purchases to enhance the user experience while also displaying unobtrusive ads. This way, you can cater to both paying customers who seek additional features and non-paying users who tolerate ads. The key is to balance these elements to maintain a positive user experience. 

Another important aspect is leveraging predictive modelling and advanced analytics. These tools can help you make quick optimisation decisions, such as which ad formats perform best or which in-app purchase options are most appealing to different user segments. By continuously refining your strategies, you can achieve high-value engagement and better overall revenue performance. 

Remember, experimenting with different plug-in SDKs can offer new avenues for income. Each SDK might provide varying levels of revenue, so it's worthwhile to test and analyse the results. Additionally, optimising your pricing strategy based on geographical and demographic data can further enhance your earnings. 

The goal is to create a tailored approach that matches your app's content, audience, and objectives. By combining several strategies, you can maximise your revenue while keeping your users satisfied. Just ensure that the user experience remains at the forefront, moderating the number of pop-ups and ad displays to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Be Careful

Balancing User Experience with Revenue Generation

Finding the right balance between generating revenue and maintaining an enjoyable user experience can be tricky. The key lies in ensuring that your monetisation strategies do not disrupt or frustrate your users. This balance is not only pivotal for retaining your current users but also for attracting new ones through positive word-of-mouth. 

One effective approach is to prioritise a user-centric design. Engage your users with intuitive and seamless navigation, ensuring that monetisation elements like ads, in-app purchases, or subscription prompts are integrated in a thoughtful and unobtrusive manner. For instance, consider scheduling ads at natural breaks in the user’s journey, such as in-between levels of a game, or while loading new content, rather than interrupting the actual experience. 

Regular feedback loops are invaluable. Collecting user feedback through surveys, app reviews, and analytics allows you to gauge the impact of your monetisation strategies. If users are irritated by frequent ads or feel that essential features are locked behind paywalls, it's a clear indicator to adjust your approach. Offering a mix of monetisation options can cater to different user preferences, such as giving the option to remove ads through a one-time purchase or a subscription plan. 

Transparency is another cornerstone. Clearly communicate the benefits of any paid feature or subscription. Users are more likely to spend when they understand the value they are receiving. A freemium model can be particularly appealing, as it allows users to enjoy basic features for free while tempting them with enhanced functionalities through in-app purchases or subscriptions. 

Customisation and personalisation can also enhance user experience while driving monetisation. Personalised ads based on user behaviour and preferences are less intrusive and more effective. Similarly, tailor in-app purchase offers to individual user habits and needs, providing relevant upgrades, content bundles, or special promotions. 

Ultimately, the most successful apps are those that can monetise effectively without compromising on the quality of the user experience. Regularly revisiting and fine-tuning your strategies based on user feedback and behaviour analytics will help you strike this crucial balance, ensuring long-term success and profitability.

Summing Up


Throughout this article, we've explored a range of monetisation strategies for mobile apps, from offering free apps with ads to using paid models and leveraging in-app purchases. We’ve discussed the benefits of subscriptions and the potential of sponsorships and user donations. Each method has unique advantages and challenges, and finding the right mix can enhance both user experience and your revenue stream. 

Additionally, adopting a combination of these strategies may be particularly effective. For example, you can offer a basic version of your app for free, supported by ads, while providing a premium ad-free experience through a paid subscription. Similarly, integrating in-app purchases can enhance your app’s functionality, giving users the option to buy additional features or digital content as needed. 

It's essential to understand the needs and preferences of your target audience when selecting your monetisation model. Conducting market research and analysing competitors can provide valuable insights, aiding you in making informed decisions. Remember, the ultimate goal is to create a balanced approach that offers value to users while ensuring sustainable income for your app.

If you're keen to discuss the best ways to monetise your own app idea or need advice tailored to your specific situation, feel free to reach out. Together, we can explore options to maximise your app's potential and profitability.

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