6 Ways to Streamline App Development

2 min read

Enterprises have found the goose that laid the golden eggs, and it’s mobile apps. These apps can power the mobile workforce, enable on-the-go work and customer assistance, and even keep workflow moving smoothly when workers are not able to get to the office due to weather or personal circumstances. The problem then lies in the enterprise’s ability to roll out app development projects quickly, smoothly, and with as little glitches as possible. Just like the assembly line has revolutionised the manufacturing industry, it can also radically improve the app development process. Here are a few tips to do just that — crank out multiple apps, over and over, with speed, precision, and convenience.

1. Set Up Libraries of Code

It isn’t necessary to re-code an entire app from the ground up every time. Build a library of commonly used code so that developers can “check out” what they need and crank out the apps quickly.

A lot of the programming code that goes into apps is redundant. Efficient developers build a library of commonly used code, and then pull it when it’s needed. This eliminates much of the busywork, so it not only speeds development, but also helps developers stay fresh and prevent burnout from boredom.

2. Establish a Basic App Infrastructure

From this redundant code, you’ll identify a basic app infrastructure that can be used to lay the foundation for all or most of the apps you develop. This basic infrastructure might need to be tweaked for particular projects, but can shave weeks or months off the development timeline.

3. Establish an Enterprise App Store

When your business builds a set of useful apps, you should consider setting up an enterprise app store. Here, users can download the apps you’ve developed to enable their work. You can also include the third-party apps that your IT department has okayed for your company-owned or BYOD use policy. Just specify that users are allowed to download and use only apps available in your enterprise app store, and you can greatly reduce instances of problematic shadow IT.

4. Develop a Series of Predefined Steps for Debugging

Streamlining the app development process frees your IT team for more tasks and projects. Plus, it makes for less of the boring, frustrating work and gives them more time to delve into the creative side of development. 

Streamlining the app development process frees your IT team for more tasks and projects.Click To Tweet

The debugging process is usually slow, tedious, frustrating, and when it doesn’t go smoothly, it can derail your developers’ ability to distribute the app on time. Set up a protocol for app debugging so that developers can follow an assembly line format and get projects to release faster and with less hassle.

5. Set Up Centralised Data Storage

The databases your apps pull from are likely redundant, as well. Centralise your databases so that all of your apps are pulling from the same data sources. This has a twofold benefit, also, in that it streamlines security. IT security specialists only have to manage a single database and can use the same middleware to authenticate users and devices.

6. Limit the Number of Platforms to Develop For

It isn’t always necessary to develop for Apple, Android, BlackBerry, plus a handful of less popular platforms. The majority of your users are likely Apple, Android, or a mix of these two. If you are able to eliminate development for additional platforms, there is far less development work to be done, and apps can get to users faster with fewer compatibility issues and other problems.

Does your business need the help of professional developers? Glance is your solution. Contact us for an experienced team of professional app developers that have a proven track record in developing enterprise apps quickly, affordably, and reliably.

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