Make Sure Your App Developers Aren’t Using These 7 Unpopular Features
Some app features are enormously popular. Others, not so much. When developing an app, it’s important to include features that are easy, intuitive, and helpful to users, while avoiding those that are annoying. However, it’s not always clear what those annoying things are. After scouring reviews, both good and bad, of the most popular and unpopular apps out there, here is your list of features that users tend to hate. You’re welcome.
1. Broadcasting Activities to Social Media Accounts Without Authorisation
Perhaps your users don’t want to announce to Twitterverse that they’re shopping for anti-fungal cream or diaper bags or are listening to death metal.
When developing an app, it's important to include features that are easy.Click To TweetUsers aren’t always thinking about their social media accounts when they look something up or play with an app. Even if they clicked to agree to sharing when they first downloaded the app, they probably don’t remember that six months later at midnight after a really bad day. If social media sharing is a big part of your app, still offer users an easy way to opt out anytime they don’t want to share.
2. Starting the App Without the User Trying to
Does your app pop up and start annoying users when they’re trying to do something totally unrelated? Don’t be this app. Some app developers try to make things “easier” for the user by designing their app to trigger too easily. This doesn’t drive up use; it drives down enjoyment and sparks many an uninstall.
3. Making it Hard NOT to Click on Ads
Is this your user after closing all the popup ads in your app? Hint: they no longer like you.
Just as your app shouldn’t be in the way all the time, neither should your ads. Sure, the advertisers are important and need prominence. But without users, the ads are useless. Don’t design the app so that it’s next to impossible not to accidentally click on an ad. Always give users an option to opt out so they can see the full screen.
4. Tracking the User’s Web Searches
For some apps, this is part of the functionality and is imperative. But if it’s not, don’t do it. Users are getting annoyed with apps like Twitter that follow their every move on the Web, and aren’t lining up to download more of the same Big Brother spies.
5. Annoying Update Notifications
So, you updated your app — big deal! Really, users don’t care. It isn’t necessary to bother them with a notification every time you update your app. If it’s better and has more features, great! Unless it requires some explanation (such as wholly new features or a redesigned interface), just let them notice how much better it works. We promise they’ll notice when the bugs are removed all on their own.
6. Confusing Language and Navigation
Facebook has taken a lot of heat for this one, and it pays for all app developers to take note. Facebook makes their privacy settings difficult to understand, and names things so strangely that some users can’t even figure out how to friend someone or block spam. Make it clear, easy, intuitive, and friendly. Your users will love you for it.
7. Comments Sections
Is there more idiocy and spitefulness in the world than you can find in the comments sections of apps like YouTube? Comments can be a good thing, but this feature can also go terribly wrong. Unless there is a real need for it, leave the comments section out. Instead, provide users with a means to contact your company or developers directly. Users tend to leave comments on the app’s page of the app stores, anyway, so check there regularly for comments, criticisms, and even some praise.
When it comes to app development, nobody knows how to pack in more great features or steer clear of the unpopular ones better than Glance. Visit the website today to see what these developers can do for you and your brand!
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