7 Cutting-Edge Trends Your App Developers Should Be All Over

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Your App Developers Need To Know These 7 Trends | Glance

Several major trends are driving app development this year, like mobility, the internet of things (IoT), big data, and the cloud. As a result, app developers are helping businesses in every industry create mobile strategies that bring together the best of these trends.

Multiple technologies are coming together to take app development to a new level.

Today’s mobile devices function as phones, computers, cameras, maps, and entertainment centres, and people have them on hand around the clock. Following are 7 cutting-edge trends you should be discussing with app developers when mapping out your mobile strategy for the coming year.

1. More Wearables and Smart Objects

The Apple Watch is the “big” wearable debut for 2015, and app developers are creating apps that work with it (since many Apple Watch apps are powered by the iPhone). Currently, most apps for wearables focus on health and fitness, but that could change as app developers come up with new ways to use wearables to increase productivity. And as more objects become “connected” through the IoT, apps using other smart objects are also showing up on the radar.

2. More Emphasis on App Security

According to Gartner, many apps still fail basic security tests; accordingly, app developers have to pay particular attention to configuration and security. More personal and business data is being shifted to mobile devices, and people are using mobile in countless aspects of daily life. Yet security threats abound. App developers should be able to explain clearly what steps they’re taking to improve app security.

3. Locally Relevant Content Delivered By Apps

The boundary between “online” and “offline” has been diminishing in recent years, and retailers, in particular, are exploiting this. With iBeacon technology, for example, iOS app developers can target retail customers on a very granular level. More venues are using iBeacon technology so that businesses can share information and interact with Apple devices. Android is also expected to catch up in the location-based Wi-Fi sector in 2015.

4. Cloud-Driven App Development

An increase in wearables in conjunction with multiple mobile devices has caused app developers to focus on integrating and syncing apps on multiple devices. The idea is to build apps that can be accessed with the same functions, data, and features across devices. As the app market matures, apps are integrated into more connected devices. This is expected to highlight the importance of user experience no matter what type of screen a user views.

The cloud allows app developers to coordinate apps across devices for users.

5. More Mobile Payment Integration

In 2014, nearly one in five retail e-commerce sales was made on a mobile device. The trend is on an upward trajectory, and “m-commerce” is starting to enter the mainstream. Mobile payments using apps like Apple Pay and Google Wallet are also encouraging people to start viewing their smart devices as payment platforms instead of cash or credit cards. If you’re looking to create an e-commerce app, make sure your app developers know the importance of mobile commerce to your business.

6. App Analytics Tap Big Data

Perhaps the term “big data” has been overused in recent years, but there is no ignoring that mobility and the IoT are dovetailing with the ability to track and analyse patterns using big data processing. Expect big data analytics for mobile apps to become more prominent in due time as app developers engineer new data collection methods to make apps function better and deliver the insights their clients want. 

7. Enterprise App Development Accelerates

Consumer apps aren’t the only game in town. In fact, businesses of every size have discovered that they can streamline any number of employee processes with mobile apps. An enterprise might develop an app to allow employees who travel frequently to submit expenses seamlessly. Perhaps, field technicians enter job data on-site rather than making notes later simply by using apps. The opportunities for enterprise app development are vast.


Around one-quarter of mobile apps are never used after being downloaded; evidently, many apps don’t meet expectations. Indeed everyone expects apps to be intuitive, fast, and offer a great interface. Here at Glance, a leading UK developer of native apps, we put each client’s expectations front and centre. Whether you’re developing a consumer app or an enterprise app, we can help. We listen carefully and stick with you from concept through deployment and beyond. If you want to learn more, we invite you to send us an enquiry. We’ll be in touch promptly to start talking about your app needs and how to fulfil them.

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