So, your education and training are complete and you’re ready to begin your first app development project. Congratulations! Before you start, it’s important to know how app development differs in the real world from the projects you did during school. Here are a few tips to help your first project go swimmingly well.
1. Can You Make an Airtight Case for Why the World Needs This App?
What can your app do that users can’t do with any one of the other two million plus apps that are already available?
If there’s anything the world doesn’t need, it’s another app. What it does need are specific apps that do things that none of the other 2 million and counting apps can do. App developers should always begin a new project by constructing a case for why the company or the market needs this particular app. What does it do that will actually make users choose to use your app over all the others?
2. Test With Low-Techies and Technophobics
It’s tempting to snag the best and brightest techies you can find for your testing. Don’t. Instead, grab those with the least amount of tech savvy. Let your mom or your grandmother try it. This will give you an accurate assessment of how easy and intuitive it is and how quickly people can pick up on your extra features.
3. Develop for All Devices and Operating Systems
Mobile app developers have the most varied users and devices of any other developer. Most application developers only have to worry about Windows or Mac OS. You have to develop for Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows, and likely a couple more. In the era of BYOD, even developers working on staff at a company have to develop for a wide range of devices, screen sizes, and users.
4. Build User Feedback Capabilities Into the App
Feedback is how you eliminate the bugs and fine-tune a product that doesn’t just work — it sings. Give users a handy means for providing feedback, and use it. Read the comments and make necessary changes early, often, and for the lifetime of that app.
5. Always, Always Think Touchscreen
There are some things that can only be done with a keyboard, and it’s fine to use the device keyboard when you have to. But everything else needs to be designed for touchscreen. Anything that can possibly be made into a single click should be.
6. The User’s Experience Should Outweigh Everything Else
The UX trumps all other considerations, including deadline, budget, and the opinions of everyone else.
What the executives think, what data marketing wants to collect, and when the project should be completed — all of these issues are secondary to developing a spectacular user experience. This is the most important thing, and should always be given priority over any and all other considerations.
7. Realize Delays Are the Norm in App Development
No matter how much time you give yourself to develop the app, there will be unexpected delays. Other projects come up. Budgets get cut. Testing uncovers a plethora of bugs you weren’t aware of. Things happen. Be prepared for the delays, and don’t let these annoyances hinder your enthusiasm or commitment to development excellence.
Glance’s team of experienced app developers is ready to take on your next development project. Whether you need a consumer-facing app or one to empower your mobile workforce, contact us to get started today.