Android Versus iOS: Which Platform Is Right for Your App Development Team?

2 min read

App development is no easy task. It requires forethought and precision to create an app that will be successful in the marketplace. Before even beginning the design process, your development team needs to determine whether you’re designing an iOS app or an Android app. While there are pros and cons to each platform, the platform you choose will depend on the unique goals and skills that are specific to your organisation.

Both Android and iOS are great platforms, but each offer distinct pros and cons.

The Potential for Revenue

It profit is your primary objective, Apple iOS may be the ideal route to take. According to a survey conducted by Distimo, about 73 percent of all revenue from app development comes from iOS apps. Google Play boasts a meagre 23 percent.

The Potential for Visibility

Despite Apple iOS raking in more revenue, Google Android apps have actually been shown to have more visibility. If you’re a creating an app that is intended for marketing or brand building, Android apps offer a clear advantage.

Understanding Customer Usage and Adoption Rates

You need to conduct research into your projected customer base to determine which platform is most conducive to their goals. If your customers are more inclined to utilise Google services, such as Google Maps and Gmail, an Android app would be a more befitting choice for your organisation. If your customers utilise Apple services like iTunes more regularly, your app may prove more successful utilising an iOS platform.

Consider Security

Security should always be a central concern in app development. Consider how crucial security is to your specific app and your consumer base. Apple iOS apps have a lot of features that promote stronger security than Android, such as restricting the app from accessing third-party apps without the permission of the user.

Versatility of Usage

One of the core limitations of iOS is that it can only be utilised on Apple devices. You need to determine the types of devices your projected clientele are using the most, so you can decide which type of app to develop first. Android apps can be used on a range of devices including Motorola, LG, and Samsung, allowing greater accessibility to customers.

iOS apps are restricted to Apple devices, which may not benefit your users.

Ease of Acceptance

You need to consider the likelihood of your app being accepted by your chosen platform. The Apple App Store rejects apps for a wide variety of reasons and is considered the most rigid in its expectations from app developers. For novice app developers, Android may prove to be an easier platform to develop for, and you can move to iOS once your team has mastered the development process.

Both Apple iOS and Google Android are highly successful platforms for selling an app, and the route your development team chooses should be specific to your goals as a company. While Apple iOS offers more profit potential than Android, it’s also much more difficult to be accepted. For those new to app development, it may help to get some apps accepted to the Google Play store first before branching out to iOS apps. Contact us to learn about our app development studio that can help you design elegant apps for both Android and iOS.

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