Are Applications the Future of Digital Marketing?

3 min read
Are Mobile Apps The Future Of Digital Marketing? | Glance

A few years ago it became nearly unthinkable to have a business without having a website for it. That’s still the case, but with the impressive rise of smart mobile technology it may soon become unthinkable to have a business without having an app. And it isn’t just mobile app development companies saying so. Brand investment in apps is accelerating in 2015, with brands across all vertical markets adding apps to their overall digital strategies. It’s safe to say that apps are the future of digital marketing, and that attention to brand app users will surpass attention to retweets and Facebook likes in importance over the next few years.

What the Most Popular Apps Have in Common

Maybe you’re thinking, “I own a hardware store. How could I possibly have an app as part of my marketing mix?” Actually there are numerous possibilities, from a “What tool do I need?” app to a “What colour crown moulding works with this wall paint?” app. Or how about a loyalty rewards app for the committed DIY enthusiast?

When you look at the most-used sites and apps, you find two things. One: they’re interactive, allowing people to interact with each other and with brands. Two: they allow people to be creative, posting quick videos or filtering photos to share with friends. In other words, they offer more than content; they offer content in context. Whatever your app is designed to do, allowing people to share their results easily right from their mobile device is the key to getting peers talking with each other and setting the conditions for increased sales.


Apps Aren’t Just for Big Enterprises

It isn’t just major enterprises like Tesco and Virgin Atlantic that benefit from apps. Mobile app development companies today work with startups and small businesses too, from day spas to clubs to delivery services. These businesses aren’t waiting around, but are doing what they can right now to set the narrative for their future, and they’re finding that apps are an important part of that. They’re not looking to be the next Facebook, but they do want to help people connect in a way that makes sense in the context of their brand. They’re not just reaching the people who use their app, but the people on social networks with whom users share the end products of their app experiences with.

What Apps Can Do for Your Business

A great branding app can do a lot for your business. For one thing, it can be visible to customers a large percentage of the time. People have their mobile devices within reach practically 24/7, and every time they unlock and scroll through they’ll see your app icon, whether or not they open it. This subtly builds brand awareness and recognition. 

With the help of mobile app development companies, brands of all sizes are creating direct marketing channels with informational and shopping apps, providing customers with value through app-administered loyalty or coupon programs and improving customer engagement by providing them additional channels through which they can access customer services. These channels can all work together to solidify customer loyalty.

Start Setting the Narrative for Your Company’s Future

Mobile apps at the small business level are still relatively rare, but this gives small businesses a terrific opportunity to stand out from the competition. When a customer can quickly reserve a table at your restaurant through a mobile app, they’re less likely to bother going to your competitor, where they have to phone ahead and hope for the best. You can take a big leap ahead of your competitors by being the first to offer your customers an app.


Mobile app development companies aren’t just for large enterprises. Many of them are working with small independent businesses to develop apps with an astonishing range of functions, from games to appointment-setting to loyalty programs. Glance is the UK’s most trusted agency for native mobile app development because we really listen to what our clients need and develop custom apps that meet those needs and delight app users. If you’d like to know more, we invite you to Talk To Us today. We’ll get back with you promptly with answers to all your questions about what a native mobile app can do for your digital marketing strategy.

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