Top Tips for Mobile Marketing Success in 2015 and Beyond

3 min read

Mobile is an increasingly important part of the marketing mix.

Mobile devices are the most personal devices people own. They’re at people’s sides or in their pockets pretty much around the clock, so it only makes sense that businesses turn to app developers to learn to market products and services using these mobile devices. Time spent on mobile has now surpassed time spent on desktop, and there are places in the world that aren’t mobile-first, but mobile-only. Here are some top tips on successful mobile marketing in 2015 and onward.

Make Data Security a Top Priority

Only work with app developers who understand the critical importance of data security. During the past few years, data breaches of major companies with millions of customers have repeatedly made headlines. The damage can be devastating in terms of financial and reputational damage. Payment and personal customer data must be secured, and app developers must ensure all checks and balances are in place to prevent data breaches.

Integrate Mobile Marketing With Other Marketing Modalities

Cross-channel data integration will become more important in the retail sector. When a loyal mobile customer walks into a bricks-and-mortar retail location, the ideal situation is that in-store sales associates are alerted that a loyal customer is on the premises, and what his or her preferences are. Ultimately, retailers should work toward a single view of their customers so they can provide the most cohesive retail experience possible.

Strive to Eliminate Friction

In 2015, successful businesses will look for ways that the customer journey can be automated and streamlined. Maybe this means discussing a new, sleek appointment booking app for your day spa with app developers. Or perhaps it means talking to app developers about removing friction from the payment process. Businesses with loyalty programs may work to streamline administration of the programs for the benefit of both the business and the customer.

Keep an Eye on Wearables

The introduction of the Apple Watch in April has inspired increased attention to the wearables market. Will the Apple Watch do for wearables what the iPhone did for the smartphone market? The Internet of Things may still be a ways off in terms of people’s everyday life, but people are becoming more interested in both smart objects and design. Brands are expected to start experimenting with marketing over wearable screens with custom apps in 2015 and beyond.

Learn About App Store Optimisation

App store optimisation drives downloads. 

Mobile devices are the most personal devices people own.Click To Tweet


After going to the effort of hiring app developers and creating an app for your business, you want people to discover it and download it. App store optimisation (ASO) is similar to search engine optimisation, though it is oriented specifically to the app store experience. Your app name, keywords, icon design, description, and screenshots are all important in encouraging people to explore your app and download it onto their devices.

Optimise Web Landing Pages for Your Apps

Don’t forget that people search for apps on the web, from their desktops. Creating custom landing pages for your apps can drive app adoption if you design the pages well. You’ll want a compelling headline, subtext that leads visitors to a natural call to action, pictures or videos that show your app in action, and a clearly visible link to download. You may also include lead capture forms that offer extras, like a guide or e-book, whilst bringing in valuable customer lead data.

Don’t Expect Mobile to Do All the Heavy Lifting

As important as mobile marketing is, don’t expect an app to do all the heavy lifting. Mobile marketing is important and becoming more so, but it isn’t the singular thing that will take care of all your marketing needs. Your mobile marketing must be integrated into an overarching marketing strategy. By doing things like making exclusive offers by mobile, collecting customer data, and reducing transaction friction, you maximise the utility of your app within your overall marketing plan.


Top app developers will tell you that success in mobile marketing is about commitment and consistency of customer experience. From idea to roll-out, the process will involve fine-tuning and consistently putting the customer experience at the centre of your focus. Glance is a leading UK native app developer that listens and puts each client’s needs at the centre of the app development process. From concept through development, and beyond roll-out, we focus on defining and meeting or exceeding customer expectations. If you’re evaluating app developers, we invite you to send us an enquiry. We’ll be in touch promptly to answer your questions and talk to you about your specific mobile marketing needs.

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