Expert Interview Series: Lindsay Boyajian About Using Augmented Reality in Mobile Apps

2 min read

There was a time when being a visionary meant explaining your vision to the people around you in hopes that they would get on board. Likewise, there was a time when making a sale meant explaining to the client how your product would look, feel and fit in their world. But what if you didn’t have to spend so much time explaining? What if you could just show them? Well, thanks to augmented reality, you can. To provide further insight Glance recently caught up with Lindsay Boyajian, Global Marketing Manager at Augment.

What is augmented reality in mobile apps?

Augmented reality is a technology that superimposes digital enhancements, such as images, 3D models and videos, on to a view of the real world. With a mobile application like Augment, you can experience augmented reality through the camera view of your mobile device. Since AR mobile apps allow you to overlay a wide variety of digital assets on the real world, the technology lends itself to a wide range of industries from gaming, to manufacturing, to hospitality.

For instance, a hotel can invite potential guests to scan brochures with an AR mobile app to view the rooms’ interiors before making the final booking. At the same time, a sales rep can use an AR mobile app to simulate end-cap displays in their client’s environment in real time to remove the guesswork.

What are some of the benefits to using augmented reality?

Augmented Reality is a powerful solution across industries. The benefits vary depending on each case. However, with that there are three benefits that hold across the board:

1. It improves operational performance. By overlaying digital assets in the real world, companies are able to increase efficiency in their operations. For example, architects can use augmented reality to view their building projects. This allows all the stakeholders to more quickly realize a full appreciation of the design. When everyone shares a common understanding of the design, the project is executed more efficiently from the outset.

2. It increases revenue. Augmented reality solutions help reduce costs and save time. For instance, packaging manufacturers can view design prototypes in real-size, in the client’s environment before production. The creation of physical models is costly and time consuming. AR eliminates the need for these prototypes, while allowing for faster design iterations and approvals.

3. It strengthens corporate image. Augmented reality improves brand image by wowing and delighting customers. It signals to the market that your company is a leader in innovation. The technology engages customers and envelops them in a memorable brand experience.

Why would a user want to go about their online activities without trackers?

A “tracker” is a simple sheet of paper with a unique design that an AR application uses to place a digital asset like a 3D model in space at scale. When the tracker is placed in the camera view of the app, the 3D model is triggered and automatically attaches to the 2D image. 

Augmented Reality is a powerful solution across industries.Click To Tweet

A user can also view their 3D models without a tracker in trackerless mode. Trackerless mode means:

1. The model stands automatically on the ground and at scale in front of the user.

2. If the user moves around, the model will remain at the same relative position from him or her.

3. If he or she tries to get closer to the model, it will move back and remain at the same relative distance.

Trackerless mode is ideal to visualize large objects that are usually on the ground. For instance merchandising tools, furniture, big industrial machines, dinosaurs or buildings in real size.

How does the absence of trackers enhance experiences in browsing, gaming, etc.?

The absence of trackers further blurs the line between virtual reality and the real world.

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