Millions of kids use smartphones daily, with kids as young as two taking up the trend.
Whether you’re an expert app developer or a newbie trying to break into the game, you likely have an idea of what your ideal customer looks like. A hip, gadget-friendly, sharply dressed Millennial. A sleek business person who’s always on the move. A frenzied parent who can’t seem to find the time. Rarely are apps made and marketed to children, and yet, children compose a tremendous part of the market and can provide significant money-making potential to developers.
Children and Technology: A Blossoming Relationship
Over the years, as technology has advanced, more and more children have begun integrating it into their lives. In fact, kids are going wireless in hordes, with 56 percent of 8 to 12-year-olds having cellphones. About 21 percent of kids under the age of eight have a smartphone, and 38 percent of children under two are already using mobile devices to stream videos. It’s a tech-savvy world out there, and children are no exception. As technology becomes more pervasive, even more children will be using mobile devices, creating a tremendous marketplace for app developers.
Determine the Target Age for Your App
Obviously, an app made for a 2-year-old will be much different than one made for a 12-year-old. Figure out your target age range for your app before delving into the conceptualisation. Take notes on the types of apps that would pair best with that age group. For instance, the majority of children under two are using apps exclusively to stream videos, since they lack the cognitive development needed to interact directly.
Older children, on the other hand, could benefit from interactive games or education-based apps that promote learning and skill development. Younger children will likely be using the app in the company of their parents, so it could actually contain a higher level of sophistication regarding navigation. Older children are more likely to use the app independently, so it needs to be created in a way that appeals directly to their age group.
Research the Latest Trends Among Children
Research into the latest trends among kids to help you conceptualise your app. Storytelling apps are particularly popular right now, as they can provide children of all ages with engaging and interactive reading experiences, which are both educational and recreational. 3D printing apps are also gaining ground for kids. Though many children lack access to a 3D printer, some apps are providing design platforms where children can design and build their own toys and print them out through professional 3D printing companies.
Create apps that engage children and can encourage socialization.
Don’t Just Distract Kids, Educate Them
One reason apps are becoming popular among kids is likely due to the distraction they provide. It provides parents with a way to entertain their children easily and keep them engaged for extended periods of time. However, parents don’t just want their kids zoning out and getting lost in an endless game of Flappy Bird. They want their children learning, creating, designing, playing, and engaging on deeper levels. Develop apps that cater to as many senses as possible and engage not only the playful side of children, but also their intellect and decision-making skills as well.
Got an Idea for a Great Children’s App? Start Developing It Today
Children compose a large part of the smartphone-user marketplace. Yet, surprisingly, a majority of apps are still being marketed to adults. If you have a killer idea for a children’s app that you want to put to the test, then start developing it today. With millions of children eager to learn and millions more parents eager to engage their kids, the marketplace for children’s apps is virtually endless. Contact us today, and turn your app idea into reality.
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