How to Make Your App Stand Out in the Digital Marketplace

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How to Make Your App Stand Out in the Digital Marketplace

Mobile apps are increasing in popularity in the UK, with around 62% of SMEs having a live app or one in the pipeline in 2024, compared to 48% in 2022 and 32% in 2021. It’s predicted that in-app sales will account for 75% or more of app revenue in 2024, so an essential design consideration for businesses investing in a new mobile app is ensuring that their new digital shopfront stands out in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Let’s have a look at what this imperative means when investing in custom mobile app development.

App Store Optimisation (ASO): Unlocking The Key To Visibility

ASO is the new SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for businesses serious about making sure their app can be found on the major app stores, namely the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The same considerations apply to ASO as to SEO, including accurate keyword research and use, optimising your app description in your chosen marketplace, and getting your screenshots, icons, and videos right.

ASO is a branch of digital marketing, but to be effective, App Store Optimisation must be deployed at the design and development stage – it isn’t sufficient to just design an app first, and then try to market it. App store visibility should be built into the very fabric of your mobile app.

Ratings And Reviews

Positive ratings and reviews can greatly influence the decision-making process when a customer is deciding whether or not to download a mobile app. Therefore, prompting users to leave a review within the app, and proactively managing feedback, can help build a crucial bank of social proof that increases visibility and improves both download rates and retention. Addressing negative views openly and transparently can also be just as powerful as a uniform list of positive testimonials, so be sure to include a notification system within your app that alerts customer service representatives whenever feedback is left so that it can be addressed promptly.

The Need For Speed And Usability

If a mobile app is not a pleasure to use, it will quickly be discarded, and you may even get a one-star slap on the wrist for your trouble. Loading time can make or break your user experience. A widely accepted maximum acceptable load time for a mobile app is 2 to 3 seconds, but this is based on Google research for websites conducted in 2016. To us, this feels out of date. A mobile app is viewed by users as an integral part of their device and should therefore work instantaneously. Lag time for mobile apps should, therefore, be measured in the microseconds, so that there is no noticeable delay in content accessibility. This puts huge pressure on businesses to streamline their app designs but also presents the opportunity to focus on the most valuable content, images, and features that matter to their customers.

Reducing Cognitive Load

Modern consumers use a lot of apps, with the average 2024 smartphone featuring more than 80 apps. Of these, only nine mobile apps are used on a daily basis, and around 30 every month, but it still adds up to a huge stream of digital content, which over time can induce apathy and overload in customers. To truly stand out, therefore, your mobile app must make your user’s life easier. This means reducing cognitive load as much as possible by designing your interface for habit and recognition. If your app’s navigation feels familiar and intuitive (e.g. to other apps used on that person’s mobile operating system) it is likely to be preferred over one that requires a mental workout simply to get from A to B.

User First Design

Ultimately, what makes a mobile app stand out is a relentless focus on the user. Approaching mobile app design and development, as well as marketing, with a user-first mindset, helps you provide a superior experience that rewards you with positive reviews and greater visibility in a competitive mobile marketplace. To find out more about our user-centric app design services for premium brands, please contact us today.

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Image Source: Canva

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