How to Adjust for a Permanent Shift Towards Remote Working

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How To Adjust To Permanent Remote Working | Glance

COVID-19 is the first instance in which many companies have transitioned to remote work from home operations. For some in the tech sector, this is nothing new; remote employees and operations take place often in digital industries. Then again, some offices that have always operated out of a centralised workspace might be having second thoughts about their physical location and work requirements. Managers might be seeing perks to supervising remote employees and those employees might not feel ready to come back just yet.

With a slew of influences affecting this work from home revolution, adjusting to a future where remote work becomes permanent might be best for your business. But, this will require shifting to a new remote work management strategy and adopting new technologies. Let’s dig into this further.

What Types of Companies Allow You to Work From Home?

A work from home revolution is underway. As states begin to reopen offices, employees and business owners across industries are likely weighing whether or not to get back into the normal swing of things right away. Simply put: Nearly every type of company can work from home effectively.

There are several perks many businesses experienced in the transition to remote workforce management. For instance, an array of free remote working tools are helping businesses make the transition smoothly when a budget to pay for remote technology just isn’t available. 

For things like organisation management solutions and communication, online tools are fairly easy to use. For more intensive projects like redesigning a website, there are other considerations you’ll need to consider if you plan on working remotely for the foreseeable future.

How to Adopt Remote Management Strategies for the Long Term

Everything from enterprise mobile app development to changing marketing strategies for a post-COVID world is going to require purposeful change whether you work remotely for the next few months or permanently. The perks you might have experienced these past months while supervising remote employees also come with their drawbacks. Primarily, the element of VPN and remote server connectivity exposed a significant security weakness in many organisations. Not to mention, the lack of a dedicated mobile app helped many to see the importance of digitising your operations. 

A transition to remote workforce management goes hand in hand with enhancing the experience of consumers and employees. It’s proven that investing in mobile apps and other remote work tools can improve employee retention as well as customer experience. 

If your general remote management strategy has been working well, then it’s worth considering a permanent move to remote work for you and your team. Right now there’s an element of “winging it” with most organisations anticipating a return to the office. If you’re planning a permanent transition, however, you’ll need to be intentional in where you start.

A Mobile App is the Best Remote Working Technology Your Company Can Offer 

A work from home revolution is going to be possible for organisations that have the infrastructure to accommodate their employees, customers, and operations. That means a pivot from office space funds to the best technology for working remotely. In many cases, the first move for a soon-to-be remote office will be a mobile app. In terms of where to start, an app is going to make it easier for your team to work together as well as offer digital solutions to clients and customers.

With a dedicated app as your core remote technology, the transition to working from home is inherently easier. An app for your business means a space in which remote work can exist digitally and immediately increase offerings to clients. If a permanent shift towards remote working makes sense for your business, use the transition period as a time to look into mobile app solutions. Making the development of this remote management software a priority helps establish a strong foundation on which your new, digital operations can take place. 

If you have an app idea, Contact Us today!

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