The COVID-19 pandemic is pushing more and more businesses to virtual video meetings. As the need for virtual meeting spaces increases, so does an awareness of security risks. It’s likely that some things under discussion in these meetings aren’t for public ears, or might even put your organisation at risk should information leak out.
Secure video conferencing is one of the most in-demand tools for professionals during the Coronavirus pandemic. If it’s not a priority for you right now, it should be.
Making Secure Video Calls a Priority
The same issues companies consider for things like app security and website encryption are risks to video conferences. Encrypted video chats don’t always seem like a necessity at first. Especially with popular platforms using passwords as default now, these minor steps seem sufficient to keep your conversations secure. In reality, anyone can use a video conferencing installer and gain access to a service for dubious purposes.
It’s possible for your microphone and webcam to be accessed through some spyware intrusions. Unfortunately, these security concerns don’t always seem prevalent until it’s too late. Ensure the safety of your company and its partners by seeking secure and encrypted video conferencing to ensure these critical aspects of virtual meetings.
Sensitive Information is Not as Safe as You Think
With much of the world working remotely, some of those conversations reserved for small-group meetings in the conference room now take place online. This reality isn’t necessarily ideal, but what other option is there? As companies learn to navigate video calling software for remote operations, sensitive information might not seem like a priority.
Sure, it’s best to keep private information like project details and fiscal reports in-house, but who would be looking to steal that information over video meetings? As it turns out, encrypted video chat solutions don’t come to mind right now. Despite the many pros and cons to these platforms, more people are concerned with the move to virtual than the security implications. For that reason, it’s crucial to prioritise secure video conferencing, even with everything else on your plate right now.
Encrypted Video Chat Protects You From the Boom in Cybercrime in the Wake of COVID-19
Telecommuting and a relatively new audience to these tools set up cybercriminals like kids in a candy store. The data shows that COVID-19 remote work is leading to a boom in cybercrime. A big part of this is unfamiliarity with what security options are available. It’s not as if security concerns are foreign to businesses, however. When a company looks into enterprise app development, they know encryptions are crucial to safe user experience. The same goes for your employees and clients on video meeting platforms.
When you have an important meeting with a client or coworker in which crucial information is being discussed, it’s likely you keep in mind where you have your meeting. The same should go for video conferencing. Ensuring the use of a secure video conference is the only way to make sure cybercrime doesn’t impact your business while remote work is still the norm.
Secure Video Conferencing Solutions After COVID-19
We don’t know when COVID-19 quarantines and remote working will end. One silver lining to this period of time is that encrypted video chat is proving to be a highly beneficial tool for many businesses. Because video calls are likely to stay involved in your organisation’s repertoire of customer and sales solutions, it’s crucial to prioritise secure video teleconference solutions. Prioritising these security measures can be a lifeline for your business in a time where uncertainty and cybercrime are leaving many uncertainties on the table for you and your business.
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