Inclusive Design: Creating Apps that Cater to Diverse Users

8 min read
Inclusive Design: Creating Apps that Cater to Diverse Users

Let's face it, we're living in a digital world where everyone's glued to their screens. But here's the million-dollar question — is your app reaching everyone it could? In a world that's buzzing with millions of apps, it's tempting to think having a flashy interface and slick navigation is all you need. But hold onto your pixels! True app success also hinges on accessibility and inclusivity. Because, believe it or not, your next potential customer might not be able to use that app because it's just not set up to meet their needs. 

Inclusive design is not just a feature, it's a mindset.

Designing with inclusivity might sound like ticking another box on your to-do list, right? Trust us, the benefits are as real as the smartphone in your hand. From expanding your market audience to improving user satisfaction and brand reputation, the positives are pretty hard to ignore. And it's really not as complicated as you might think. Let's break it down and explore why accessible design matters and how it can positively impact your business.

Why Your Business Should Care About Accessibility

Picture this: you’ve spent countless hours perfecting your app. It’s innovative, it’s sleek, and you’re ready to take the market by storm. But there’s a hitch. It’s not accessible, meaning a chunk of the population simply can’t use it. Yikes! We get it, the idea of overhauling your design to be more inclusive might seem daunting. You might wonder, "Is it really worth my time and resources?" That’s where we come in, to illuminate why making your app accessible should be a top priority. 

Think about the growing awareness around inclusivity and social responsibility. People today expect businesses to accommodate a wide range of needs. By ensuring your app is accessible to everyone, you’re not just opening it up to more users, you’re reinforcing your brand’s commitment to inclusion. This isn’t just a nice-to-have feature—it's a business strategy that pays off. 

  • By designing accessible apps, your business can tap into a wider audience, including approximately 1 billion people globally living with disabilities.
  • Studies show that companies prioritising inclusive design see a higher retention and satisfaction rate amongst their users.
  • An inclusive app demonstrates a company's commitment to social responsibility, enhancing its public image and credibility.
  • Apps that are accessible to all can lead to increased revenue, as they cater to a broader market segment.
  • Investing in inclusivity can differentiate your app from competitors who may overlook this crucial aspect.

And let's not forget about the business perks. An accessible app can significantly broaden your user base. This is not just a feel-good win; it's a tangible opportunity to increase your revenue. By addressing the needs of diverse users, you’re optimising the user experience for everybody—and that’s the kind of attention that loyal users notice and appreciate. 

By prioritising accessibility, you’re setting your business apart from the rest. Similar to how brands that adopt eco-friendly practices often attract a devoted customer base, your commitment to accessibility can distinguish you in the crowded digital marketplace. Imagine the loyal following of customers who feel valued and seen by your attention to their needs. 

So, why should your business care? Because at the end of the day, embracing accessibility is more than a moral obligation—it’s a smart business move. More customers, better brand image, and yes, even potential SEO benefits. What's not to love about that?

Why Ignoring Inclusivity Could Cost Your Business

Ignoring inclusivity in app development could land your business in more trouble than you might think. Not only is there the glaring ethical concern but there's the practical risk of lost revenue. Imagine this: your competitor just released a shiny new app that's inclusive and accessible to all, but yours is not. Guess who's more likely to capture the market's attention? Yes, it's a bit like missing the last train home – frustrating and preventable. 

Failing to incorporate inclusive design can mean neglecting a significant portion of potential users who require accessibility features to engage. And let's be honest, in today's fast-paced digital world, no business can afford to lose customers to competitors who are savvy enough to prioritise these essential features. Additionally, search engines give preference to accessible apps, which means you could be missing out on improved rankings and visibility. Ouch! 

Inclusivity is not just a buzzword; it's a necessity. Prioritising accessibility means reaching a broader audience and showing your commitment to social responsibility, which can set your business apart.Anjali Sud, CEO of Vimeo.

There's another point business owners should consider: damage to your brand reputation. People remember how an interaction with your app made them feel – sidelined or welcomed. By not providing an inclusive experience, you risk leaving people out and giving them a reason to talk negatively about your brand. News travels fast, especially in the online world, and the last thing you need is viral criticism for being out of touch with users' needs. 

Ultimately, ignoring inclusivity isn't just a missed opportunity – it can be a costly mistake. Users value inclusive design because it shows that your company cares enough to understand and meet their needs. So, by including everyone, you're not just avoiding unwanted disrepute; you're paving the way for a relationship with your customers that goes beyond transactions.

The Human Side of App Development

Think about this: every app user has their own unique perspective. Some might scroll with their left thumb, some with their right. Some might zoom into text, others might use a screen reader to hear it. If you’re a business owner, you know how important it is to reach customers where they are—on their terms. Aiming for a one-size-fits-all approach in app development would be like trying to sell ice cream in one flavour: limited, and frankly a bit dull. 

By focusing on the human side of app development, you can truly connect with your users. This means considering a wide range of human experiences and abilities. Perhaps it's allowing text to resize for the visually impaired or ensuring voice-command functionality robust enough for those who can’t tap away on a touchscreen. It's about breaking down barriers and opening doors, for every potential customer to step inside. 

When you incorporate these human-centric features, you're not just ticking a box labelled “accessibility.” You're demonstrating empathy and respect towards your users, which is enormously appealing. There’s an unforgettable warmth in knowing an app was designed with real people in mind. Much like a friendly shopkeeper who knows your name, inclusive design can make every user feel acknowledged. And that—well, that is priceless.

Steps to Making Your App User-Friendly for All

Alright, roll up your sleeves! Let’s break down what "inclusive design" means without giving you a headache. To start, focus on simplicity. Remember, not every user might be tech-savvy. That’s your Granny-proof standard—if she can use it, you’re onto a winner. 

First things first, engage with testers. And I don't mean your cousin Alex unless he's part of a diverse user base. Get real-world feedback from people with various abilities. This input is a goldmine that tells you what's working and what’s not. Remember, assumptions are sneaky—they love to mislead. 

Secondly, give adaptive interfaces a whirl. This doesn’t mean a magic wand, but the ability for users to adjust text sizes, contrast, or even text-to-speech options goes a long way. It’s like giving them a toolbox to tailor their experience. 

Then consider the devil in the details, AKA consistency. Consistent navigation and design reduce cognitive load—which is fancy talk for making the app easier to use. If users need a treasure map to navigate your app, it’s back to the drawing board. 

Finally, usability testing shouldn't end when the app launches. Use analytics to see where users struggle, then tweak! Don’t be afraid to make those nips and tucks. An app's not a 'set it and forget it' deal. It's like nurturing a plant—constant care and attention are key. 

Following these steps isn’t just feel-good fluff. It's a smart business strategy that shows everyone, yes, everyone, they matter in your growth story. And between us, it makes for some great bragging rights at the client meetings too!

Cultivating a Culture of Accessibility in Your Team

Developing an app that everyone can use begins with cultivating a culture of accessibility within your team. It's like the old saying: "Many hands make light work." When everyone in your business buys into the mission of inclusivity, you create a supportive environment where innovative solutions can flourish. Because here's the thing—accessibility isn't just a tick-box exercise. It's about creating a team mindset that sees the value in making products usable for everyone. 

Start by fostering an open dialogue about what accessibility means to your team and your audience. Encourage your employees to share their thoughts and ideas. Consider running workshops or training sessions to build awareness and understanding. Remember, no question about inclusivity is too small or silly; being curious is how we learn! 

Also, accessibility is most powerful when it's cross-disciplinary. Encourage collaboration between developers, designers, marketers, and even customer service teams. Each group brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table, and those diverse insights are gold dust when tackling accessibility challenges. Accessibility isn't just the job of the developers; it’s something everyone should be clued up on and invested in. 

By building a workforce that values and understands accessibility, you're not just ticking off an item on your to-do list—you're making a conscious decision to value all your users, see the world from multiple perspectives, and ultimately, create an app that has mass appeal. The lasting effect? A loyal customer base that appreciates how much you care.

Common Missteps in Inclusive Design and How to Avoid Them

Let's be honest, even with the best intentions, we all slip up now and then. Understanding where businesses commonly stumble in inclusive design is a step in the right direction. One frequent mistake is assuming that spectacular graphics are accessible. While they may look fabulous, they can become a roadblock for those with visual impairments. The key here is to always provide alternative text, which transforms your visual gems into comprehensible content for everyone. 

Another pitfall is failing to consider the full spectrum of abilities during the development process. We're talking about more than just making apps suitable for those with disabilities. Think about different languages, cultures, and even tech-savvy levels. If your app resembles rocket science to someone not living in a tech-advanced metro, it’s back to the drawing board. 

Texts aren’t left out of missteps either. Complex language can alienate many users. Consider using plain language which is more accessible and understandable – simplicity is not just for 12-year-olds, it's a relief for everyone. In short, your app should not come with its own dictionary. 

Lastly, testing is your best friend, and not just in-house testing. Include users from various backgrounds and abilities in your test groups to get genuine feedback. This may sound like a hassle, but it's the key to enlightenment on potential oversights. Only then, your app transcends from being 'just an app' to a tool cherished by all.


As we've explored, inclusive design is not just a 'nice-to-have'; it's essential for modern businesses aiming to succeed in a diverse marketplace. It's about embracing the uniqueness of each user and crafting experiences that don't exclude anyone. By prioritising accessibility, you're not just doing the right thing morally; you're opening your products to a wider audience, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Making your apps more inclusive can be a game-changer in enhancing your brand's reputation. It positions your company as socially conscious and forward-thinking, which resonates well with today's consumers. In a business sense, it's about staying ahead of the curve and ensuring you're not unwittingly alienating potential customers. 

We understand that embarking on this journey might feel overwhelming. However, with the right mindset and guidance, you can transform these challenges into opportunities. At Glance, we're here to walk this path alongside you, ensuring that your digital products are truly accessible, welcoming, and efficient for everyone. 

So, what's the takeaway here? Strive for inclusivity from the get-go. This isn't just about compliance or checking off a list; it's about creating genuine value for everyone who interacts with your app. Let's build an inclusive digital world together, one click at a time.

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