Mobile App Development for Business Productivity

2 min read
Mobile App Development For Business Productivity | Glance

Productivity is a concept that is constantly on the minds of business owners. Increased productivity means that a business is getting more throughput from their workforce, allowing the company to accomplish more with less time and fewer resources. App development has proven to be a powerful tool for businesses seeking to increase the efficiency and output of their team.

An app can improve the workflow and tasks management of your business.

How Can App Development Increase Productivity?


There are a variety of apps currently on the market that are designed to improve the productivity and workflow of businesses. Keeper, for instance, is an app that can store all of your sensitive passwords. For businesses that require numerous different pass-codes for employee access, Keeper can serve as a consolidated source to access those codes, saving employees considerable time throughout the day.

Conference calling apps, like Speek and Skype, can improve the efficiency of business meetings by allowing business people to connect to a meeting, no matter their location. Highrise is a particularly useful app for businesses, allowing business people to manage all of their daily tasks, whilst connecting your email and calendar, so you can be notified of meetings or tasks from any device throughout the day. All of these apps share the commonality that they can increase business productivity and make the lives of employees easier.

Designing an App for Your Business

By developing an app that’s unique to your business, you can customise it and tailor it to the specific needs of your company. So, how should you begin developing a productivity app? Start by asking yourself what elements enable enhanced productivity and what aspects of your business are operating at low efficiency. 

A productivity app need to be:

  • Easy to use, and intuitive to users,
  • Promote organisation and task management,
  • Identify and solve a problem facing your business.

Though the productivity app will vary from business to business, it does need to possess these core elements in order to be both rapidly-adopted by employees and promote the efficiency of the workforce.

A company app can be designed to fix your trickiest workplace problems.

How a Large Retail Chain Used App Development to Fuel Productivity

A large retail chain was struggling with the productivity and efficiency of their business model. They identified their core inefficiency as the auditing, planning, and sales tracking process. The team was heavily reliant on Microsoft Excel to conquer these tasks, which required a lot of manual entry. Since the program had to be installed separately on different devices, it resulted in the team having to manually copy data to multiple different devices.

To combat this issue, the company developed an app that enabled the stores to be audited from mobile devices, with all data easily shared among all different devices. They found that this substantially reduced wasted time, resulting in employees completing their workload more efficiently.

A business app has the potential to significantly improve the workplace experience, whilst fuelling the productivity and task management of employees. With the help of a professional app development platform, your team can innovate, design, and create a mobile app to conquer your toughest workplace problems. Contact us today, and begin developing an app to optimise your business workflow.

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