Apple App Store Approval Process Explained 2023

3 min read

We’re living in an era of smart devices – and as mobile app development continues to reach new heights, developers have jumped at the opportunity to create apps for a variety of platforms. iPhone? Check! iPad? Double check. Apple Watch too?! You bet! But when it comes to creating apps for these amazing devices, one requirement must be considered above all else: meeting those stringent guidelines set by the Apple App Store. After all, no matter how awesome your idea may seem (and we know you’ve got some pretty cool ones!), Apple appreciates quality and longevity — so make sure you keep their requirements top-of-mind during both the planning AND creation stages.

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Trying to make it as a developer on the App Store? You’re in for some tough competition! With nearly 1.8m apps approved from 750k publishers and counting – Apple is serious about maintaining its esteemed reputation. It’s no surprise then that they provide an extensive list of guidelines covering everything from user interface design all the way through acceptable categories; to ensure your app meets those requirements before you even submit. Familiarize yourself with these rules now so that later down the line, when submitting your masterpiece, there won’t be any bumps along the approval road – leaving only exciting success stories ahead!

Apple Developer Account

Ready to bring your amazing feature set for Apple’s review? The next step is registering as an Apple Developer. For just £79 ($99) a year, you’ll get access to the iOS Dev Center and its many helpful resources like informative videos, troubleshooting forums with solutions from experts around the world, in-depth documentation and samples of code that can help speed up development processes. And when it comes time to thoroughly check out your app on actual devices – essential before launch! – being part of this program also allows you to test them directly without resorting back solely to screen simulations or running multiple tests manually across real phones. Sounds totally worth it, right?!

App Store Submission

You’ve put so much hard work into your mobile application, and soon it’ll be ready to share with the world! Before you can do that, you need to upload it to the App Store – don’t forget details like setting its category and keywords. The approval process isn’t always speedy, but as of November 2022 is typically taking a day or two; while this timeline may vary slightly month-to-month, keep in mind what timeframe works best for your app launch goals!

 Approval should be simple if your app is fully tested and meets Apple’s family-oriented standards. If approval is denied, they will notify you of the problems by email, and you will need to make necessary fixes and resubmit. Patience is required in most cases. With an average of more than 600 submissions per day during November of 2022, the reviewers are busy and new or upgraded devices can result in an avalanche of new apps all at once, slowing the process even more.

Pricing Your App

You will be required to use one of Apple’s listed price bands. There are currently 85 bands ranging from “free” to £599 ($999). Apple takes 30% of the selling price and pays you the balance through direct deposit once per month. You can increase your income if you enable Apple’s iAD network in your free apps. Apple sells and serves the ads and pays you up to 60% of the advertising revenue from your apps. Apple also allows “in-app purchases”, which means you can offer a free app with additional features for sale to the customer after download.

App Store Updates

If you decide to update your app with new features, you will need to submit the app for approval again. Apple is very particular about the merchandise offered for sale in their App Store. That is one reason their apps are so popular. If your app offers real value to users and demonstrates technical excellence along with creative and cool functionality, you may have a chance of having the iTunes editorial teams choose to highlight it, and you could soon be an Apple App Store success story. For more information on the different aspects of app development, check out our handy guide series.

If you have an app idea, feel free to Talk To Us today!

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