What’s the Best Way for App Developers to Produce Excitement for an Upcoming App?

3 min read

Your new app is going to be awesome! But, how are people going to learn about this awesome new app? Well, that takes some marketing skills. Here are the absolute best ways to generate buzz for your app and get people lined up for it before it’s even released.

Set Up a Website Complete With Landing Page

Landing pages are designed to encourage people to sign up for email notifications, get access to app previews, and preorder the app.

This is in addition to your brand and products landing page, but it can share a domain. Set up a website just for the app. Include all the relevant information, such as a brief description, any excellent reviews you got from beta testers, release date, etc. The website should either feature a landing page or be a landing page. The landing page needs to be SEO’d (designed to rank well on search engines). Be sure to target a variety of key terms people might use to find an app like yours, such as “best apps to stay fit” or “top apps to manage your time”.

Submit Your Project to All the Pre-Release Sites

There are lots of websites that specialise in announcing upcoming app releases. Make sure yours is listed on all of them.

Feed My App
Killer Startups
Make Use Of
MoMB (The Museum of Modern Betas)
Startup Book

Get Industry Leaders to Test and Review It

A word or two from one of the movers and shakers in the industry is worth more than a thousand words from you. Have a notable name test and review your app. He or she will probably write about it on their own blog or website, giving you publicity you simply couldn’t buy.

Develop & Distribute Content

Content includes articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, presentations, and press releases. 

Your new app is going to be awesome!Click To Tweet

You can’t, however, depend on others to spread the word for you, even if they really do love your app. You’ll need to write your own blog posts, create videos and presentations, write and issue a press release, perhaps do a SlideShare, etc. Don’t focus the content specifically on your app. Instead develop content that speaks broadly about the subject and merely mentions your app where relevant.

Develop articles, blog posts, videos, etc. that answer questions about the topic, interview key people in the industry, go behind the scenes of something exciting (but relevant to your topic), and make the content interesting to a wider audience than just people looking for an app like yours. Don’t forget to set up social media accounts and share all your great content there, as well.

Offer an App Preview and Accept Pre-Orders

App previews are a great way to generate excitement about an upcoming project. You can even use interested people as beta testers. Take preorders. Your landing pages are a great place to sign people up for previews and preorders. Keep previews brief. About 30-60 seconds is ideal. You want to leave them wanting more, not satisfied that they know everything about your app. Consider it a teaser.

Consider Hosting (or Attending) an Event

If it’s in the budget, go all-out Steve Jobs style and hold an event to announce your new project. When this isn’t possible, attend another event, such as relevant trade shows, where your target audience is likely to go. Design an intriguing booth, and staff the booth with presenters that are knowledgeable and passionate about your new development. Develop a top notch presentation to deliver to folks who stop by to visit the booth. Don’t forget to send them back home with something to remember you by, because people see a lot of things at trade shows and it’s easy to forget some or most of them once the show is over.

Of course, to generate buzz for your new app, you have to have a great development project! This is where Glance comes in. Visit our website today to see what a great app can do for your brand.

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