Expert Interview Series: Matt Greener for Glance

2 min read

“Remember that software and tech in general is meant to improve your life,” explains Matt Greener, the director of marketing for App Data Room. “That can’t happen if you spend your entire day logging in and out of 30+ different programs and trying to consolidate the data. Make sure that the programs you use are easily integrated, with the ability to ‘talk back and forth’ with little to no human input required.”

Below, Matt shares his insights on how business apps can help your sales force and the importance of teamwork in the app creation process.

What was your professional path that led to your work with App Data Room?

After spending over a decade consulting for a variety of companies in different industries, I was intrigued by the possibility of focusing my energy on building a SaaS business – specifically, one that innovates and empowers sales and marketing teams.

Who should be visiting the App Data Room website and why?

Our product helps with sales enablement. Really, any marketer that wants to stay on top of their game should read our blog, as well as any sales or IT leader that wants to learn about the cutting edge of mobile for business.

Do you think every company needs to have a mobile reach?

Teamwork is paramount.Click To Tweet


Any company that believes that having an online presence is important definitely needs to have mobile reach.

(I don’t know many that don’t feel that an online presence is important.) As of 2014, there are more people using mobile devices than desktop computers.

How can business apps can help a company’s sales force?

There are so many ways, but what it really boils down to is making the job easier and more effective. It’s vitally important to free up time for the sales team to sell and not get tied up with administrative tasks.

What resources do you offer for developers?

We frequently discover and talk about developer-specific issues, but the real beauty of our platform is that it gives non-developers the ability to create an app.

Can you tell us a bit more about the process of creating your own app?

It’s as simple as choosing your colour and logo, adding your content, and then downloading the app on your mobile device. The initial setup can typically be done in less than an hour.

How important is teamwork in the process of creating an app?

Teamwork is paramount. It’s important to understand what you’re working toward. After all, deployment of mobile resources without metrics to determine their success is more likely to breed frustration in transition than success in practice. Get everyone on the same page.

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